Monday, 25 May 2020

The Seventh Sky

The joy like a balloon was swollen
with the wind as the two soared high,
An upliftment, sheer, seemingly unreal,
but o so simple and true.
It took them to the seventh sky;
and suddenly she dipped her head low.
Taking pride in the moment of ecstasy
he looked up at the sky to count stars,
and she looked down at the earth beneath
to count the blessings of the earth,
grateful that she could still breathe.

Sushama Karnik (c)

Image credit: @Night passage Night passage
Thank you Night Passage Night Passage

Să aveți o duminică frumoasă

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Ofelia Royo

Nota para el alma.
abierto el cardio
La lluvia siempre
penetra en la arena
y la vida adentro
espera el celeste
Qué ‘ l sol siempre
Hierve y la
Luna brilla.
Los dos.

OfeliaEgiptana© Mayo 19, 2020
Simpson Desert. Queensland, Australia

Saturday, 2 May 2020



Like a midnight chasing the sun,
like a thing bound up with a magnet,
I shift and follow your tread.
Wherever you turn you will be facing the sun
and my shadow will fall behind.
Ranges of hills and mountains?
I will be a heron
and follow you over the sea.
You may scale the peaks
I will follow on foot
across the dales and valleys.
You give me ranges and ranges of hills;
I will walk through stretches of sand
to reach the place where you land.
I will move around you without even thinking about it.

Alienation? May I never know what it is ;
it's a passionate engagement I aspire to
in anything that I do.
Let the world know
how fearlessly we love;
how fiercely we fight.

Caught in the wave of eternity,
haunted and hunted we live,
nurtured in our hearts is the dream,
not of survival, but of immortality.

Wars kill, hatred decimates monuments of love.
We, miniscule dots of humanity,
let's try our hand at this little game
of stopping the violence,
building bridges and ties,
in a small way, in small steps
let's nurture little gardens of homes.