Sunday, 18 April 2021

Restless departures, hurried departures,
all departures, even that of the sun at the end of the day,
even as the sun and the half of the earth he is leaving, know
that it's a break of twenty four hours before they meet again,
the departure happens in a hurry.
Look, the sun is forming big shadows,
big enough for you to draw inside,
a glimpse of the night to follow.
Never say alone,
The spheres and orbits, all connected,
where is the time and the place to be alone?
There is a country
of idyllic beauty,
close by, close by.
Gradations and layers of exquisite beauty
for daughters and sons, for sisters and brothers
and for lovers of all times,
the layers enfold;
am I not in all of these?

Like a red flower blooming on a carpet of green
all that says adieu, once behind a veil of secret tears,
returns and walks with the grace of a promise, a covenant of silence and life anew

Sushama Karnik (c)

Friday, 16 April 2021

The Incredible Swing

The chill, the wanton breeze, the incredible swing.
This road that I've trodden is slippery again.
The mocking sun's weaving a web, adding shadows
in uncommon spaces, and deleting them
from the open yards.The rain, the pavements,
the backyards and the alley cats
are listening with a bated breath.
Suddenly the traffic is lulled by a song,
and the lashing of the rain stops.
A pause that everyone was waiting for,
it spreads in anticipation of a brilliant word
withheld for long in some poet's heart.

Sushama Karnik (c)
Thanks for the image Milan

 Photo album: Арт

Српски уметник: Стојан Миланов,1963


Wednesday, 14 April 2021

 The shaft of sunlight broke

and the splinters flew all around.

Some were taken by the waves

and they became boats
for sailors in lonely faraway lands;
some were taken by the gales
and they became stars,
laughing, twinkling
in sardonic smiles
at the ironies of fate that rocked the man.
Some were taken by the sirens lying in wait
and they used them as snares
to cast their nets
to collect some Apollo from up the tall mast
riding the crest of a giant wave.
And some were found lying in the sand
luminous, unending streams of light.
Some saturnine soul wandering forlorn
on a night when no moon shone
was hit hard by one and stopped.
One by one he picked them all
and assiduously built
in that single night
a lighthouse standing firm on a rock.

Sushama Karnik (c)
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Sunday, 4 April 2021


And you are always late for the supper,
My tired moon, my darling moon.
Your place is reserved at the board
and I wait tirelessly, listless to hear
the sound of you entering the hall.
All the stars have come and gone.
I reserved your place and your share
knowing always, you are never in time for the supper..
That is the one recurring reason for the quarrels between us,
we fly into rage, skid the track and forget that it was all about the supper;
and you are always late.

frida kahlo con globo, coyoacán, méxico by manuel álvarez bravo