Sunday, 26 January 2025

 A damp drizzle has made the morning cool. 

Still ridden by sleep

I feel the wind around.

A damp drizzle and blurry eyes.

The spell of the dreams lingers still, which I hate sometimes intensely,

need to free the space

and make room for a better me;

The better Me, filled with prayers, not with dreams.

 Your narrative follows the ephemeral and the elusive; and the perceptions turn light and soft, gentle and airy, pastel to soothe the mind. Nature is generous and bountiful, and the butterfly the epitome of pure innocence.

I have imagined you looking at your garden through your open window, your mind letting your imagination slip away freely.
Beautiful lines, Sushama!
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Sushama Karnik
Françoise Dhulesia This was inspired by a rangoli made by a friend to greet the new year, a beautifully stylised image of flowers and leaves I wish I could share it.
Françoise Dhulesia
Sushama Karnik When reading the poem, I had this piece of music in mind even if the bumblebee's flying is not as light as a butterfly!
Rimsky-Korsakov - Le vol du bourdon
Rimsky-Korsakov - Le vol du bourdon
Rimsky-Korsakov - Le vol du bourdon
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