Tuesday 10 December 2013

Desert Storm

Desert Storm

My heart, listen,
listen to the voices of the desert  storm;
listen to me when you hear
nothing but the voice of discord and noise all around

You will hear then
the voice of our soul speaking to you.
It will have something to say.

Restless and anguished,
when you search the hours of sleep
and the heart is tired,
I bring you the message of the mountain breeze:
and when I do, I want you to listen.

When you sink in sadness
and know not from which dark forest the pain comes,
in that dark hour of night I am there
like the bright ray
of the light of dawn 
to your sky
with the blossoms of the new season.

Where the flame of the desert sears the sky
and the little bird thirsts 
for a drop of water
I bring rains
to the barren plains.

When the life is humbled 
by the hot desert storms
and a day comes when
the whole cosmos seems to burn
remember on that day that I will surely come
as the flower of that night..


  1. You speak from the soul ...
    Thank you for sharing:))

  2. Glad that it spoke to your soul Thank you for stopping by +ventspills
