Give Me a Hand, O God
By Neena Dighe
Translated by Sushama
You who are the
savior of this world,
You are the pillar of
the three worlds,
You who are the
essence of the Vedas,
You who are far
beyond our human understanding,
And yet accessible to
the ones who dedicate their life to the pursuit of that understanding,
You shower your grace
and love upon them.
The whole world is
merged in your love. You are the love and the passion for those with wisdom and
knowledge of you in their hearts.
You are the
fountain-head of Truth, Wisdom and Joy.
You have neither
beginning nor end;
You are the Invisible
Hand behind the script of life.
You are the one in
whom Meera saw her beloved who could move a mountain.
You are the one who
answered Sudama’s call.
You are the one who
incarnated for Radha’s realization of love on this earth.
To each of them you
threw open the gates of your wealth of love.
When those who could
see the world and yet had no eye to see you,
The otherwise blind Tulsi could see you with
his mind’s eye.
There is no end to
the magic you play/
You are the essence
at the heart of this world.
I need your helping
Help me cross the
ocean of this life and take me to the shore O God.
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