Monday, 5 May 2014

Moments in Memory 05/ 05/ 2014

Moments in Memory –

Our moments of life are stolen from
 the shadow of innocence when all we knew and saw was bliss;
when all was magic.
Nothing there was we needed to know, nothing we needed to own,
for all belonged to us and we belonged to all
and we were the immortal children of God- the Master of our world.
Purity shone through the games we played
in innocence and fairness under the law of God.
The dice was not loaded with loss or gain;
the consequence of action was never a fall from grace.
All was a seamless flow of life without end.

Later came the life of strife.
We did our best to laugh while we cried;
we hid our self, as we scarred our pride.
We knew then that we had moved away from the life in the shadow of God,
when innocence did not call for disbelief;
winning did not call for pride; and losing did not have the sting of defeat.
And there was love that we knew behind all the effort that was yet to know the shades of malice.
But nothing of that was meant to stay
And tears were a part of their going away.

We learnt the law of the jungle and did away with the law of God.
The masks we wore to cover our face became the symptom of the malady  we were hiding from God.
The mask swallowed what was true.
The truth was now in the belly of the lie, and the loss was never defined,
since the shadow of the mask was needed to shield us from an exposure to too much of the heat of the truth.
The mask was a thing of use.
It was our ladder when we aspired to reach the sky.
It was our eye through which we saw our earth from the sky.

Time pulls us back to the world where we belonged, the world we left—
the world of our childhood; the world without a mask.
But the stolen moments peek from behind the veil
and say, “We are here, not out there in the long-lost past
which you believe you lost when you put on the mask.
Those moments have a smile we could never forget;
though glimpsed for a moment from behind our hell,
they are restoration of bliss;
those moments we lived in the fullness of life,
the moments which tell us, “We are not a shadow; we are the body of the truth
which lives in you.

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