Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Song of an Arabian Night : Inspired by the vaguely recalled Mythical Tales of the Arabian Nights

A Song of the Arabian Night

The moon shone for the night and the night sang of pain
The pain gnawed at the core of the heart.
The agonizing duet of the moon and the night had no other listener but me.
There was a mystique of fragrance lingering behind
Changing the garb and softly leaving, to melt in the dark.
A dim image that had vanished from the wall
Was yet trapped in the marks left behind,
The image was singing still.
There was a single light with a diminished aura
A moment of brightness and a moment of dark,
It trudged the path of the night.
The mystique of the aroma beckoned to come
As the ray of light shone to illumine end of the night,
Beseeching and reminding, awakening a belated response to the wanderer’s fabulous tales.
The narrator withheld the heart of the tale for the listener for whose sake the tale was made.
The chain of rusted iron which was creaking on the wooden door- frame
Kept scowling and groaning and lamenting through the night,
Mistaking every stray sound that the night made
For the sound of the foot-fall of the one
Who failed to come.
The nights fail to recognize the falsity of the hope.
But for sure it was
Some hope and a delusive dream
That kept the night on through the dark.
A hope, a dream, they hold the torch
And lead the tired hearts
Through the hours of despair and the darkest alleys of nights.
At daybreak, the duet ceased and the moon went missing again;
The song of the night faded, lifting the darkest spell..  

Image : Courtesy : +Latif Z 

Night desert 

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