Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Prayer

A Prayer

We kill the thing we love.
The greatest pain and agony,
comes from the thing we love--
the source of sorrow of having to let go;
that is the thing we fear.
For the fear of the sorrow of losing,
we refuse to hold the thing we love.
The ecstasy and agony,
living and loving,
one cancelling the other, signaling death.
Deep in love, we forget to live;
and love gone, we cannot live.
We learn our lessons early,
trying to possess what we love.
Refusal to share what we love is the first of the lessons we grasp.
As we build our sand-castles to perfection
and look at them with satisfaction
we also become aware that a bully is lurking behind
to jump in and flatten them in glee.
Not wishing to see my love's labor lost
I turn around and
raze it flat in the sand where it ought to belong.
It's not my refusal to share what I love;
it's denying my enemy the thrill of the triumph, the triumph he would otherwise  claim, of killing the thing I love.

Our goals shift, the sand-castles and toys
change places with our ancestors, land and progeny.
The aggressor is always lurking behind.
Battles are fought, spilling of blood and carnage.
We fight to save what is ours.
And the thing we love is the living thing,
not castles of sand we would fain destroy rather than see them perish at the alien's hands.
Do not get implicated into a war;
but stay involved with what you love.
Your world, your earth, needs your love.
Your suffering will not be in vain.
Suffering is life.
You are involved, not implicated.
You have no choice but to take up the challenge.
Take it up gladly.
That's not clinging; that is love.
Spread it far and spread it wide.
The road may not end so soon.
Walk till the farthest end.
Walk and do not stop.
Walk till the hope sheds light on the path;
walk until the enemy is conquered , not defeated.
Walk till the energies of the unseen universe come to your aid and take you onward. Let your journey be for love not vengeance.
Walk till the word vendetta is removed from the human vocabulary. Let the baton of love pass from one hand to another. That's our reality and that's our truth.
This is the carol I sing
from a lonely beach of sand
where once I built my castles
and destroyed them
before the sun went down on them in the dark.

Sushama Karnik

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