Saturday, 14 March 2015

Interior Monologues 1

Interior Monologues
With the Dweller of the Threshold

My laughter
I shared it with the world.
My smiles
they are for you.
My songs of confidence and pride
were all for the world to hear.
My whispers of sadness and grief
were for you to listen to and store.
In moments of delight and innocence of joy
I would come to none but you.
My failures, defeats,
my wounds and scars will be known
to you and Time alone.
The moments running in a stream
from zero to abyss of infinity
will be braided in a rope with me
to be unraveled only by you.
Life was a task I came to perform.
It became a trust i shared with you.

The robe in shreds flies away.
Did it mean to shield or to hide?
Now the time we spend in walking,
walking barefoot,
tells us that
there was nothing to shield,
nothing to hide.
There is nothing to the robe and nothing to the shoes,
except the need to walk barefoot , free, strong enough to bear the weight of what remains, the bone and the marrow of life.

The dome shines
in the light of the sun
the gold that runs off ,
liquid , brighter with the  rays,
runs off the sides of the dome.
Get closer to it, come to the foot of the edifice; you will find the gates open on all sides. There is no keeper.
The Stupa! The shrine under the dome is empty; just space. The walls are cool. They are meant to welcome, embrace and receive you. Receive your sorrow and give you peace,
the peace that passeth understanding.
The hounding voices of yesteryears
hold no power here.
If you enter, there is no condition; when you enter, is no lapse of time.
Time does not annihilate. It is waiting.
It is eternity, simply because it is waiting.
Enter gratefully.
Silently listen.
Avalokiteshwara has eyes;
only eyes, not one, not two, not even three;
but infinite eyes.
Eyes that speak
the ultimate language-
call it compassion, call it divine, call it the end of all languages that the humans speak.
Breathe, breathe the purity and peace.
This , thy abode, thy only home, has no doors, no walls and no roof.
How liberating! Once you know this,
you will take this home with you everywhere.
In this wandering world you will be free.

"offering to the choir the presence of a whisper."
The whisper never fades. It separates from the fading voices of the choir...And lives in some heart that is awake when another heart is falling into sleep.

The day from the night is a single breath away
though the single breath gathers aeons in its sway.

Waiting to hear the whisper
not the sound and fury!
Waiting for the twilight we share
between the day and the  night
the only clarity I know in life
when I listen,
and know it to be your voice.

Through terrors and trials
stay by me
Through sickness and error
save me

May death tread softly as she comes,
may lift me gently and carry
safe to the other shore
where I may meet
you forever
and all those I loved and lost
in the long travails of this life

May the shadows of lives past and over
dissolve in the sea of your blinding , gentle and calm light

Let this mind which I call mine
be one with thine.
Eternal and everlasting may be the end
of all the shadows leading me through
the memories of hells and paradises

The gentle soul of this tree,
infinitely gentle, suffering silently,
was waiting for you to come and rest
albeit for a little while. You did come at last.
You did come and rest
at her tired feet silently.
The tree found its way to live and way to die, O gentle Monk of the wisdom of the light.

The humble and nameless seeks nothing.
Inside the being with no name
is the universe.
Inside the universe are all beings.
The nameless beings seek nothing.
The humble friendliness comes from nothing.
Everything given, everything received
when the humble beings ask for nothing
and yet the nameless being gives everything.
Love without name, kindness without asking,
friendliness without ingratiating
is the bounty you possess
and the bounty you give.

The melting gold will endure the heat.
The Alchemist has an unending  endurance
for the process to complete and yield
the molten image of the ultimate note,
the burnished gold
with nothing to hold
is delivered into the void.
The Alchemist stands in awe
in the void, none to see, none to behold,
except his Self transformed into Otherness,
His creation and the lover are One.
Why the agony that precedes the ecstasy
when the the Beloved and the Alchemist were One?

In the fire of Time is the rain
In the rain of anguish is the healing balm.
In the healing is the language.
And in the language is the magic enabling
to transcend sorrow.
I came in fear of the fire,
and instead, found the flame
that sprinkled dew-drops instead of spark

Learn only to be content.
Stay awake.
Reflect the moonlight
The burning down eight times and rising again. ,
The well-spring and lakes.
The words of the Zen Master
Love and peace

I dragged all my belongings, useless clutter,
dumped all in the porch; put a lock ,
a giant one,
on the door,
even put a board up!
"To let, or on sale",
and left.
Couldn't resist the temptation to come back and see if there was a buyer.
After four days I came back to take a peek.
There was a huge bouquet plastered on the door and a note
"Happy Unbirthday to the dweller"

The origination in the farthest sense is in 'I', the effect is in "i' and the witness is "I'.
What O Monk, remains to be said when nothing remains to be said. Only the path till the end.

Eternal Yes. Let the smallest of zero find refuge in the space of the infinite zero, its ultimate refuge. Let it not be dislodged ever again.  

Subdued by the whispering Now and the eternal Yes

Enmeshed, jungle, fetters of fetters, not leading to liberation,....
I am an ordinary sentient being who can breathe the oxygen of life in the company of that sedate man Alfred Korzybsky.
I suggest we add views as escalators, views as

"The fundamental ambiguity of being human"

There is life; there is death. In between is emptiness that has space- for anger and love, sorrow , disappointments, and the biggest truth of all, the truth that we are human.

If two then not one, if one , then not two.
These are but numbers and simple logic between which Parmenides, with his Mathematical mind, places the essence.

A deer or a tiger! Know in a glimpse! What if they are in a process of transformation? We must also recognize that moment of occurrence when the critical event occurs even when you do not know the past. Just a thought.

Choice--That too is evolutionary. Reflecting on the present...patterns, of change, symbol-making..culture

Such poetry in the soul of Buddha!
"A shadow that will never depart"!

When the wing of the bird is sinking in the tail, the plumes so beautiful like flowing feathers cannot lift the sag in the spirit of the bird.
A bird is a bird is a bird.

And those who will stay away from the exaltation
will depart with silence in their heart

Sailing ships on the oceans
waving over distances
before they vanish over the horizon.
Ships so distant are meant to signal,
messages of gladness that they met
and knew they were not alone.

Look this way, look that way, look up, look down, look around.
What do you find? Open the door to the heart.
What do you find" Darkness, light emerging? If the light, even if slight, catch the ray and go ahead.

I walked down the street,
came to this house and stopped.
A broken down window, a fallen wall, a rusty door,
and where the staircase led
the dreams which the sunlight saved
of the good old summer days.


  1. Un marea poem! Foarte laborios!Mulțumesc, dragă poetă!
    Voi citi aceasta din nou și din nou.

    1. Thank you Sem. Your presence is always assuring and healing. May God shower you with gifts divine.
