Saturday, 25 July 2015



And one day the mountain erupted,
A magnificence,
but sad.
The mountain broke all the vows of forbearance, compassion,
because the mountain could not help.
For days on end the sorrow flowed
in rivers of fire liquefied .

On the day when the mountain cooled
two tears fell.
Massive drops of green and blue,
the mountain's delight.
And thus was Tara born,
the green eye told her what to do, how to heal and let a thousand seeds come to life
and make the earth green
and the blue eye told her how to love; simply watch and love.

crystalherbalism:Crystal Herbalism- Goddess Tara Tara is a Buddhist Goddess that was formed from a tear which fell gracefully to the ground and formed a lake. Out of the silken blue waters rose up a lotus, and her Tara emerged. Tara is a protector, a mother of all goddess, and a healer. She helps you overcome obstacles, manifest goals, spark creativity, and find peaceful flow in your journey. Tara is connected to the energy of water and the earth. I have been working with Tara and her energy to find that she brings clarity to situations where you feel emotionally blocked, she provides compassion to help you overcome struggle, she also allows you to find strength within your spiritual path. Tara provides “protection during your earthly and spiritual travels”.Create an alter with a Tara statue and use a crystals of your choice from below to pair with her, you can even place a small glass bottle with the tea blend below inside it near her. I even wear a Tara pendant on my Aquamarine Mala. Take time and connect with Tara as you sip the tea and mediate with your crystals. Feel the river of her peaceful energy flow through you. Tara Tea1 tsp Chamomile½ tsp Lavender½ tsp Rose Petals½ tsp Spearmint½ tsp Licorice RootCrystals: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Blue Tourmaline, Celestite, MoonstoneChakra: Third EyePhoto Tara Pendant & Stone Malas

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