The morning mist clears. The beginning of a day
brighter now behind the hills;
the neon lights are out,
the last vestige of the night.
In a single sweep they wash out
the night's illusions of grandeur.
In a city the nights are brutally bright;
their illuminations darken the heart.
And yet I choose them by the night,
a compulsion , a need.
The yellow lights on the walls, the reading lamp, then the night bulb enduring the dark,
the night , my night of the heart's solitude
is scared of the overwhelming floods of lights
washing away the cordiality, the gentle intimacy
of the unlit ways where street lights shine
few and far between
Image Credit +Latif Z

The morning mist clears. The beginning of a day
brighter now behind the hills;
the neon lights are out,
the last vestige of the night.
In a single sweep they wash out
the night's illusions of grandeur.
In a city the nights are brutally bright;
their illuminations darken the heart.
And yet I choose them by the night,
a compulsion , a need.
The yellow lights on the walls, the reading lamp, then the night bulb enduring the dark,
the night , my night of the heart's solitude
is scared of the overwhelming floods of lights
washing away the cordiality, the gentle intimacy
of the unlit ways where street lights shine
few and far between
Image Credit +Latif Z

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