Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Spring Is Coming

Spring is coming,
spring is coming with songs.
In spirals the sun and the moon will go
beckoning all to join
Let none lag behind.
The sun, the truest leader of the ever hiking humanity
knows that the spirit of leading is not in running ahead
of those who follow the blazing trail
but sometimes to lean over and hold
the hand of the weak lagging behind..


  1. "The sun, the truest leader of the ever hiking humanity
    knows that the spirit of leading is not in running ahead
    of those who follow the blazing trail
    but sometimes to lean over and hold
    the hand of the weak lagging behind"..
    Really uplifting and beautiful words Sushama. I was thinking, that not just the hand of the weak, but also the hands of the lost. No (wo)man left behind!

  2. True my dear Anna .a. I was missing your comments of late. Why did you disable comments on your public posts? Anyway, I do not doubt your reasons. Feel free however, to comment on my posts when you feel like.
