Thursday, 5 January 2017

Anxiety :Response to Anna Vale Marti's post

ANXIETY.....Written in response to +Anna del Valle Martí 's question : "
I wonder, dear +Sushama Karnik how this could be related to ""the alienation to which speaking beings are subjected due to their being in language"....

Somewhere down the road,
we never knew was a shade
where tired with the pursuit of
the alien star,
the far-away star,
the magnificent Other
who seemed to know
the inarticulateness of desire,
came down to earth
to walk with us,
to stop with us in the shade.

Was that the hour of departure?
I read the concern in your heart.
At what distance do we place the anxiety,
the expectation that someone speak
and not let the fear impede
the movement of the subtle flow,
the infinitely slow,
the self-image captured without a net,
that indomitable movement to jouissance--
to that which is farthest from the reach.

And standing transfixed in eternity,
a silence we could not break,
and the giant praying mantis: Time:
stood behind to prey upon the two