Saturday, 20 May 2017


Tonight is no urge left towards a flight,
a time to sink low,
lower than the lowest depth,
and wallow in the voluptuous flow,
lying in peace, or be immersed in the waters all around.
It was a wonderland, the magical reality
so long as I was there,
elephants ambling across watery streets,
deluge where sadness sank and sang
dirges about the dead and the gone,
cats and puppies and human beings,
as the trees grew stronger in their roots and the branches taller in majesty.
And sadness, tears were no embarrassment,
such ease of acceptance,
truly a magical reality!
No sermons, no spiritual harangue is thrown at me
about the need to renounce the human bondage of love
in the name of some imagined glory of walking away from the world of tears and love,
of the despair and frustration coming in the wake
of all the love that comes to me.
I am so glad and sad, blessedly sad,
sad, sad to my very bones,
and yet so glad that I found my soul

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