Wednesday, 28 March 2018

May you live in harmony and peace.
May you listen and always watch
the signs of peace and discord,
kindness and enmity,'and everything that exists in a dichotomy.
Distinguish, but do not stay long
in any of these.
That bird is the wisest who chooses not,
but watches and flies, and never stops flying.
Wishing you blissful thoughts.

Sushama Karnik

One who masters the strings of the lute, masters the sound too. He can produce the sound as he wills. He carries it with him and wherever he is, the lute is; the sound is,
One who carries the sound in the heart, needs only to listen.
Not everyone can play upon the lute; not everyone can possess a lute to play.
But everyone can listen.

Sushama Karnik

an event to remember is sometimes one that hasn't yet happened and if we can hold onto good things that have yet to pass then maybe we can overlook the bad or see real wonderful ways of dealing with it, we can at least imagine them I think. thank you always you wonderful poet for adding a drop of pure gold to the mix. :))))+Sushama Karnik

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