C'è qualcosa nella vita nei tuoi occhi sorridenti, C'è questa piccola fiamma che piange Che brucia e risplende. Solo uno sguardo per capire È nei tuoi occhi Mi sento meglio Solo un sorriso da dirti Che ho bisogno di te Resta qui e guardami C'è qualcosa di felicità Nella tua voce vibrante La risposta del mio cuore È che ci si sente liberi. Libero di essere me stesso quando Mi stai abbracciando Liberi di vivere un amore da Che imparo ogni giorno Quando sono lontano da te Sto pensando a te Alla tua piccola fiamma, ai tuoi occhi, E mi sento meglio. Quando sono lontano da te Sto pensando a te Alla tua piccola fiamma, ai tuoi occhi, E sento che siamo insieme C'è qualcosa di universale Nella nostra storia, Una piccola scintilla Da molto più di una notte Mi vuoi dare la mano? Per tutto questo tempo ci staremo bene? Vuoi condividere il mio percorso? Dico di sì a condividere il tuo..
Existe algo de vida em seus olhos sorridentes, Existe esta pequena chama chorando Que está queimando e brilhando. Apenas uma olhada para compreender Está nos seus olhos Estou me sentindo melhor, Só um sorriso pra te dizer Que eu preciso de você Fica aqui e olha para mim Existe algo de felicidade Em sua voz vibrante, A resposta do meu coração, É que está se sentindo livre. Livre para ser eu mesmo quando Voce esta me abraçando, Livre para viver um amor de Que eu aprendo todos os dias Quando estou longe de voce, Estou pensando em você Para sua pequena chama, para seus olhos, E me sinto melhor. Quando estou longe de voce, Estou pensando em você Para sua pequena chama, para seus olhos, E eu sinto que estamos juntos Existe algo universal Em nossa história, Uma pequena faísca De muito mais que uma noite Você quer me dar sua mão? Por todo esse tempo ficaremos bem? Você quer compartilhar meu caminho? Eu digo sim para compartilhar o seu..
In the 1950’s Sanctus Germanus assumed
the position of Hierarch of the New Age. As Hierarch, Sanctus Germanus
will direct earth’s affairs for the next two thousand years.
Sanctus Germanus is to prepare the earth
for the coming of a new Avatar, the new World Teacher, who will be under
the responsibility of the Lord Kuthumi. The exact shape and form of the
new Avatar is just emerging in a flood of new ideas and concepts onto
the earth plane. It is conceivable that the new Avatar could take the
form of a reformed worldwide media: the Internet and all its
possibilities, radio, and television rather than of a person. This is
yet to be revealed.
Nevertheless, a new era, a new Golden
Age, will be ushered in based on these teachings, and the project of
Soul Liberation, so dear to Sanctus Germanus, will be implemented so
that mankind can achieve its ascension by the end of the two-thousand
year period.
But before this can happen, the Great and
Holy Master Sanctus Germanus will make his presence more and more
obvious to mankind as He leads us through a period of upheaval and
conflict to banish all vestiges of the dark forces from earth. As the
“old” makes way for the “new” and the slate is wiped clean, the roots of
the new teachings will start to bear fruit.
Past Lives of One Who Evolved on the Earth Plane
Each one of us here on earth today
represents a different stage of spiritual evolution that will eventually
lead to our Ascension, a point at which our souls will no longer be
required to incarnate on earth to further our evolution. Just as Sanctus
Germanus incarnated countless times before he ascended, each of us will
have a chance to follow His or other Masters’ examples.
We see below how the Master Sanctus
Germanus helped to shape the course of mankind’s history since the
demise of the civilization known as Atlantis. Throughout the thousands
of years of reincarnations we can observe two major themes: 1) the
nurturing of Truth of the Ancient Wisdom from the child Jesus to the
founding of the secret mystery societies that have endured until today
and 2) the liberalization of secular political thought over the
centuries that has slowly freed mankind from the tyranny of authority
and laid the foundations for future soul liberation.
King of the Golden Age in the Sahara
Sanctus Germanus revealed to Geoffrey
Ballard, the founder of the I AM movement, the akashic records of a
Golden Age civilization that existed about seventy thousand years ago in
the Sahara Desert . In this civilization, Sanctus Germanus ruled as
King over a Fourth Root-Race population that had emigrated from
Atlantis. His reign was complemented by a Council of enlightened beings
who brought about this Golden Age of Peace and Tranquility. In the midst
of his reign, the people became more and more obsessed with material
and sensual matters, which in their way caused conflict and the
scattering of a once cohesive and peaceful civilization. At one point he
decided that his people would have to create their own salvation from
their ways. He retired into the etheric dimension from where he could
influence but not directly rule the people.
Another prince, who took over Sanctus
Germanus’ rule, drove the civilization into ruin and within a two
thousand year period, the fertile fields and rivers of the Golden Age
civilization had been reduced to desert sand.
Joseph, The Father and Protector of the Child Jesus
We see the reappearance of Sanctus
Germanus as the Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, many eons later at
the start of the Piscean dispensation. When Mary reached the age of
womanhood she was betrothed to Joseph, son of Jacob, and a carpenter of
Nazareth . Joseph was an upright man and a devoted Essene. Mary told him
all the words that the Angel Gabriel had spoken to her, and they
rejoiced, for they believed that he, the man of God, had spoken words of
And when the time was nearly due for
Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth , the wife of
Zechariahs and mother of the future John the Baptist, so Joseph took her
in the direction of the Judean hills. They arrived at Bethlehem at
nightfall and decided to spend the night but Bethlehem was thronged with
people going to Jerusalem ; the inns and homes were filled with guests.
Joseph could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were
kept; and there he took Mary to spend the night.
At midnight came a cry, “A child is born
in yonder cave among the beasts.” And lo, the promised son of man was
born. Now, when the morning came, Joseph sought out a shepherdess whose
home was near, and they prepared a room for Mary and the child. They
stayed there many days.
In the meantime, Joseph sent a messenger
to Zechariahs and Elizabeth saying, “The child is born in Bethlehem .”
Zechariahs and Elizabeth took John and headed immediately to Bethlehem
with words of cheer.
According to Jewish custom, the child was
circumcised. And when the temple elders asked, “What will you call the
child?” Mary said, “His name is Jesus, as the man of God declared.”
Beyond the river Euphrates lived the
Magians. They were wise, could read the language of the stars, and they
divined that a master soul had been born. They could see his star above
Among the Magian priests, there were
three who longed to see the Master of the coming age. They took costly
gifts and headed west in search of the child, the newborn king, that
they might honor him. One took gold, the symbol of nobility; another
myrrh, the symbol of dominion and of power; and the third, gum, the
symbol of the wisdom of the sage.
When the Magians reached Jerusalem the
people were amazed, and wondered who they were and why they had come.
And when they asked, “Where is the child that has been born a king?” the
very throne of Herod seemed to shake. King Herod then sent a courtier
to bring the traveling Magians back to his court where he queried them
“Where is the newborn king?” And then they said,” While yet beyond the
Euphrates we saw his star arise, and we have come to honor him.”
And Herod blanched with fear thinking,
“Perhaps, the priests were plotting to restore the kingdom of the Jews!”
He wanted to know more about this child that has been born a “King”.
Then Herod called the Magian priests again and said, “Go search, and if
you find the child that has been born a king, return and tell me all,
that I may go and honor him.”
The Magians went their way and found the
child with Mary in the shepherd’s home. They honored him; bestowed upon
him precious gifts and gave him gold, gum-thus and myrrh. Yet these
Magian priests could read the hearts of men; they read the wickedness of
Herod’s heart, and knew that he had sworn to kill the newborn king. And
so they told the secret to Joseph and Mary and advised them to flee
beyond the reach of harm.
Then the priests returned homeward
skirting Jerusalem . Well warned, Joseph took the infant Jesus and Mary
in the dead of night and fled to Egypt , where they lived with Elihu and
Salome in ancient Zoan for a few years.
When Herod found out the Magians had
bypassed him in Jerusalem , he declared that all baby boys should be
killed. Elizabeth fled with John to the Judean hills but her husband
Zechariahs was slain by Herod’s men.
It was during this time in exile with
Elihu and Salome in Zoan that the infant Jesus grew up learning the
secrets and mysteries of the Ancient Wisdom. Elihu and Salome taught him
about the Zorasterism, the mystery schools of Egypt , and Buddhism in
India . These teachings would provide him the impetus later on to travel
by foot to Persia , India and Tibet to study under the Masters of
Wisdoms. He would return to Palestine imbued with these teachings and
prepared for the World Teacher, the Lord Maitreya, to overshadow him
during the last three years of his life on earth.
When it was again safe, Joseph secretly
conducted his family back to Nazareth . By the time Jesus was ten, he
was already sitting with the temple elders and teaching them. When Jesus
reached the age of twelve, Joseph realized that it was time to release
him into the hands of the sages and elders of the Jewish religion for
more training.
He also took charge of John, son of
Elizabeth , after Zechariahs had been slain by Herod’s men. He saw to it
that John was inducted into the Essene sect. John, overshadowed by the
spirit of Elijah , became the forerunner, the harbinger, to Jesus’
mission on earth and in the process, was beheaded by Herod.
So it was that Sanctus Germanus’
incarnation as Joseph was to assure that the child Jesus was protected
from the dangers posed by the political rulers of the times and to see
to it that he was properly instructed in the ways of the Ancient Wisdom.
Sanctus Germanus: Founder of the Rosicrucian, Mason, and Knights of Columbus Movements
It is said that the Master reincarnated
at least once per century since his “favorite” incarnation as Joseph. As
the Christian Church merged its interest with that of the Roman
Emperor’s in the third century, the true mystical teachings that were
part of the Christianity such as reincarnation, the link between Jesus’
teachings and that of the Brahmins of India, etc. became distorted and
detached from their source. It is at this stage that we see the Master
Sanctus Germanus step in to try to preserve the original teachings of
Jesus in the secret societies.
According to the Master Morya, Sanctus
Germanus is the true inner Sovereign Grand Master of both the Masonry
and the Knights of Columbus. In one of his incarnations, he lost his
life defending the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom. He was born as
Albanus into a Roman family in the town of Verulam , England . Albanus
returned to Rome where he became a Mason then journeyed back to Verulam
and became active in public affairs. Yet by order of the Emperor in 303
AD, Albanus was subsequently beheaded along with other Masons and
Shrouded in their own self-imposed
mysteries today, the Rosicrucians, Masons, and Knights of Columbus all
admit to a chief role played by Sanctus Germanus in their rites and
Sanctus Germanus as Merlin, Spiritual Advisor to King Arthur, circa 600AD
In Sanctus Germanus’ incarnation as
Merlin, the spiritual advisor to King Arthur (El Morya), we see the
first seeds being sown for just human governance, a step in the
direction of Soul Liberation of mankind, a theme that would characterize
his subsequent incarnations over the centuries until today.
Information about Merlin’s life varies
widely from story to story in the body of Arthurian legend. In one
version, he is conceived when his father, an incubus (male demon), lies
with his mother, a nun at Carmarthen in southwestern Wales , while she
is asleep. Some early tales portray Merlin as a warrior who goes insane
after a battle, gains the gift of prophecy, and flees to spend his life
in the Caledonian Forest in Scotland . Later versions of Arthurian
legend present Merlin as an aged magician whose life is marked by
marvelous deeds and experiences.
According to tradition, Merlin arranged
for the conception of Arthur when King Uther Pendragon of Britain fell
in love with Ygraine, a married woman. For transforming King Uther into
the likeness of Ygraine’s husband so that she would willingly lie with
him, Merlin asked for their child in return. When Ygraine gave birth to
Arthur, a child of royal blood, the Master Morya took that incarnation.
Merlin took the child Arthur to a man
named Hector to be raised as a commoner. After King Uther died, Merlin
notified the barons of Britain that God had established a test to
determine the successor to Uther’s throne. In front of a cathedral
appeared a large stone topped with an anvil, in which a sword was
embedded. Only the rightful king would be able to withdraw the sword.
And of course, only Arthur was able to withdraw it, and he became king.
As spiritual advisor to King Arthur,
Sanctus Germanus as Merlin, inspired the king to institute the first
modifications to the feudal system of governance. This was the famous
Knights of the Round Table, where feudal princes occupied seats around a
table all being considered equal in power. It was through this radical
system of governance that King Arthur’s realm, England , enjoyed a brief
period of unprecedented peace and prosperity, “that one brief moment
known as Camelot”.
Under Merlin’s advice, the first
principles of the rule of law rather than of the sword began to emerge
and upon King Arthur’s insistence, a judicial court system was
instituted whereby law rather than fiat became the criterion for
judgment and solid observable proof had to be presented in order to
condemn a man for a crime.
Sanctus Germanus as Roger Bacon (1211-1294) Sowing the Seeds of Liberal Thinking
Sanctus Germanus’ emergence as the
English scholastic philosopher and scientist and one of the most
influential teachers of the 13th century would add another theme to his
quest for soul liberation: that of logical, objective thinking.
Born in Ilchester, Somersetshire, Bacon
was educated at the universities of Oxford and Paris . He remained in
Paris after completing his studies to teach at the University of Paris .
When he returned to England in about 1251, he entered the religious
order of the Franciscans and settled at Oxford . He carried on active
studies and did experimental research, mainly in alchemy, optics, and
Bacon was critical of the methods of
learning of the times, and in the late 1260’s, at the request of Pope
Clement IV, he wrote his Opus Majus (Major Work). In this work he
represented the necessity of a reformation in the sciences through
different methods of studying languages and nature. The Opus Majus was
an encyclopedia of all science, embracing grammar and logic,
mathematics, physics, experimental research, and moral philosophy. The
response of the pope to Bacon’s masterpiece is not known, but the work
could not have had much effect during Bacon’s time, because it reached
Clement during the period of his fatal illness.
The Franciscans condemned Bacon’s
revolutionary ideas about the study of science as heretical. In 1278 the
general of the Franciscan order, Girolamo Masci, later Pope Nicholas
IV, forbade the reading of Bacon’s books and had Bacon arrested. After
ten years in prison, Bacon returned to Oxford . He wrote Compendium
Studii Theologiae (A Compendium of the Study of Theology, 1292) shortly
before his death.
Despite his advanced knowledge, Bacon
accepted some of the popular but later disproved beliefs of his time,
such as the existence of a philosopher’s stone and the efficacy of
astrology. Although many inventions have been credited to him, some of
them undoubtedly were derived from the study of Arab scientists.
His writings brought new and ingenious
views on optics, particularly on refraction; on the apparent magnitude
of objects; and on the apparent increase in the size of the sun and moon
at the horizon. He found that with sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, a
substance (now known as gunpowder) could be produced that would imitate
lightning and cause explosions. The previous use of gunpowder by the
Arabs, however, has since been shown.
Bacon considered mathematics, together
with experimentation, the only means of arriving at a knowledge of
nature. He studied several languages and wrote Latin with great elegance
and clarity. Because of his extensive knowledge he was known as Doctor
Admirabilis. Six of his works were printed between 1485 and 1614, and in
1733 the Opus Majus was edited and published.
Sanctus Germanus as Christian Rosenkrantz, 14th Century: Keeping the Ancient Wisdom alive
Charles W. Leadbeater, the renowned
theosophist, says that Sanctus Germanus incarnated as Christian
Rosenkrantz, a monk interested in occult studies and said to be the
founder of the Invisible Order of Rosicrucianism in Germany . We know
little of his work but in his later incarnation as the mysterious Count
of St. Germain, Sanctus Germanus is known to have a cipher Rosicrucian
manuscript bearing the secret codes of the symbolism used in the
Rosicrucian movement. Whether he was or was not Christian Rosenkrantz,
we note the continued trend in the reincarnations of the Master: the
preservation of the mysteries of the Ancient Wisdom.
Sanctus Germanus as Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
Sanctus Germanus as the Italian-Spanish
navigator Christopher Columbus was both well versed in theology as well
as maritime studies. His personal aim was to a westward route to Asia .
He first tried to convince the crown in Portugal to support a westward
trip over the Atlantic but failed. He then moved to Spain where after
many difficulties, convinced the Catholic monarchs, Isabel and Fernando,
to support his project.
His voyage of 1492 failed to land him in
Asia . Instead, he had discovered the New World which made him famous
throughout Europe . He managed to secure for himself the title of
Admiral, and more royal patronage poured in. He made two more voyages to
the New World after being named the Viceroy of his discovered lands and
after extracting an agreement from the King and Queen to receive ten
percent of all wealth brought back. However, his fame within a decade
became tarnished with charges of corruption in his administration of the
new territories. Thereafter he was banned from further movement and
died in political obscurity.
Sanctus Germanus himself has admitted
that during this incarnation, he easily succumbed to personal greed and
avarice, however, this does not obscure the fact that through his
endeavour, he is credited with opening the New World to the rest of
Sanctus Germanus as Francis Bacon of England (1561-1626): The Planting of Ideas.
As the First Baron Verulam and Viscount
Saint Albans, English philosopher and statesman, Francis Bacon, became
one of the pioneers of modern scientific thought. Following along the
lines of his previous incarnation as Roger Bacon, Sanctus Germanus again
revolutionized mankind’s thinking by introducing ampliative inductive
reasoning to the formation of scientific hypotheses, contributing to the
fundamental advancement of the scientific method. His work on
“cleaning” facts of prejudice and preconceived notions added much
empiricist thinking and logic.
As a holder of high office throughout
most of his life, he was able to obscure his active involvement in the
secret societies of the Ancient Wisdom. Such activities undoubtedly
contributed to his incisive thinking that advanced scientific thinking.
Sanctus Germanus was born Francis Bacon
on January 22, 1561, at York House, in the Strand, London , and educated
at Trinity College , University of Cambridge . Elected to the House of
Commons in 1584, he served until 1614. He wrote letters of sound advice
to Elizabeth I, Queen of England, but his suggestions were never
implemented, and he completely lost favor with the queen in 1593, when
he opposed a bill for a royal subsidy. He regained the respect of the
court, however, with the accession of James I to the English throne in
Bacon proposed schemes for the union of
England and Scotland and recommended measures for dealing with Roman
Catholics. For these efforts he was knighted on July 23, 1603, was made a
commissioner for the union of Scotland and England , and was given a
pension in 1604. His Advancement of Learning was published and presented
to the king in 1605. Two years later he was appointed solicitor
In the last session of the first
Parliament held (February 1611) under James I, the differences between
Crown and Commons grew critical, and Bacon took the role of mediator,
despite his distrust of James’s chief minister, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl
of Salisbury. On Salisbury ‘s death in 1612, Bacon wrote several papers
on statecraft, particularly on relations between Crown and Commons, in
order to gain the king’s attention. In 1613 he was appointed attorney
In 1616 Bacon became a privy councilor,
and in 1618 he was appointed Lord Chancellor and raised to the peerage
as Baron Verulam. In 1620 his Novum Organum was published, and on
January 26, 1621, he was created Viscount Saint Albans.
In the same year he was charged by
Parliament with accepting bribes. He confessed but said that he was
“heartily and penitently sorry.” He submitted himself to the will of his
fellow peers, who ordered him fined, imprisoned during the king’s
pleasure, and banished from Parliament and the court.
After his release, he retired to his
family residence at Gorhambury. In September 1621 the king pardoned him
but prohibited his return to Parliament or the court. Bacon then resumed
his writing, completing his History of Henry VII and his Latin
translation of The Advancement of Learning (De Augmentis) . In March
1622 he offered to make a digest of the laws, with no further
consequence despite repeated petitions to James I and James’s successor,
Charles I. He died in London on April 9, 1626.
Bacon’s writings fall into three
categories: philosophical, purely literary, and professional. The best
of his philosophical works are The Advancement of Learning (1605), a
review in English of the state of knowledge in his own time, and Novum
Organum ; or, Indications Respecting the Interpretation of Nature
Bacon’s philosophy emphasized the belief
that people are the servants and interpreters of nature, that truth is
not derived from authority, and that knowledge is the fruit of
experience. This philosophy would in part sow the seeds of revolution in
the following century.
Bacon is generally credited with having
contributed to logic through the method known as ampliative inference, a
technique of inductive reasoning. Previous logicians had practiced
induction by simple enumeration, that is, drawing general conclusions
from particular data. Bacon’s method was to infer by use of analogy,
from the characteristics or properties of the larger group to which that
datum belonged, leaving to later experience the correction of evident
errors. Because it added significantly to the improvement of scientific
hypotheses, this method was a fundamental advancement of the scientific
Bacon’s Novum Organum successfully
influenced the acceptance of accurate observation and experimentation in
science. In it he maintained that all prejudices and preconceived
attitudes, which he called idols, must be abandoned, whether they be the
common property of the race due to common modes of thought (“idols of
the tribe”), or the peculiar possession of the individual (“idols of the
cave”); whether they arise from too great a dependence on language
(“idols of the marketplace”), or from tradition (“idols of the
theater”). The principles laid down in the Novum Organum had an
important influence on the subsequent development of empiricist thought.
Bacon’s Essays, his chief contributions
to literature, were published at various times between 1597 and 1625.
His History of Henry VII (1622) shows his abilities in scholarly
research. In his fanciful New Atlantis Bacon suggested the formation of
scientific academies. Bacon’s professional works include Maxims of the
Law (1630), Reading on the Statute of Uses (1642), pleadings in law
cases, and speeches in Parliament.
Bacon was part of the period of
Enlightenment, a philosophical movement based on the belief that science
and human reason can triumph over political and religious tyranny. An
intellectual spirit that knew no national boundaries, it drew proponents
from America , England , France , Germany , Italy , Scotland , Spain ,
and Russia.
He is regarded as one three English
prophets of the Enlightenment along with John Locke and Sir Isaac
Newton. American statesman Thomas Jefferson, a disciple of the
Enlightenment, agreed with this assessment, ordering for his library in
1789 a composite portrait of the same three men. They had, he wrote to a
friend, laid the foundation for the physical and moral sciences of
modernity and were “the three greatest men that have ever lived, without
any exception.”
It is said that Sir Francis had a secret
side to life and served as the Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, which
at that time was a highly secretive organization. He may also have been
a leader of the Masons. Sanctus Germanus was to be intimately involved
in both earth-shaking revolutions, as we shall see in his next
Sanctus Germanus as Le Comte de St. Germain: Words are put into Action
ONE of the most mysterious characters in
modern history is the famous Comte de St. Germain, described by his
friend Prince Karl von Hesse as “one of the greatest philosophers who
ever lived, the friend of humanity, whose heart was concerned only with
the happiness of others.” Intimate and counselor of Kings and Princes,
nemesis of deceptive ministers, Rosicrucian, Mason, accredited Messenger
of the Masters of Wisdom — the Comte de St. Germain worked in Europe
for more than a century, faithfully performing the difficult task which
had been entrusted to him.
The amazing and inscrutable personality
in which the Adept known as St. Germain clothed himself was the
outstanding topic of conversation among the nobility of the eighteenth
century. During the 112 years that he is said to have lived in Europe ,
he always presented the appearance of a man about forty-five years of
age. He was of medium height, with a slender, graceful figure, a
captivating smile, and eyes of peculiar beauty. “Oh, what eyes!” sighed
the Countess d’Adhémar. “I have never seen their equal!”
He was an extraordinary linguist,
speaking French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian
and Swedish without the slightest trace of an accent, and his knowledge
of Sanscrit, Chinese and Arabic showed that he was well acquainted with
the East. His proficiency in music was equally remarkable. As a
violinist he is said to have rivalled Paganini, while his performances
on the harpsichord called forth enthusiastic applause from Frederick the
Great. His ability to improvise made a great impression on Rameau, who
met him in Venice in 1710. St. Germain was also a composer. One of his
musical compositions was given to Tchaikowsky, Prince Ferdinand von
Lobkowitz inherited a second, while two others, bearing the dates 1745
and 1760, are the property of the British Museum .
The Comte de St. Germain was also a
painter of rare ability, famed for his power to reproduce the original
brilliance of precious stones on canvas. Although he refused to betray
his secret, it was commonly supposed that he produced the effect by
mixing powdered mother-of-pearl with his pigments. He was highly
esteemed as an art critic and was frequently consulted in regard to the
authenticity of paintings.
The prodigious memory of the Comte de St.
Germain was a constant source of amazement to his friends. He would
merely glance at a paper, and days afterward repeat its contents without
missing a word. He was ambidextrous, and could write a poem with one
hand while he framed a diplomatic paper with the other. He frequently
read sealed letters without touching them and was known to answer
questions before they had been put into words.
Many of St. Germain’s friends had
practical proof of his alchemical knowledge. Casanova relates that one
day while visiting St. Germain in his laboratory, the latter asked for a
silver coin. In a few moments it was returned to Casanova as pure gold.
St. Germain also possessed the secret of melting several small diamonds
into one large stone, an art learned in India , he said. While visiting
the French Ambassador to The Hague , he broke up a superb diamond of
his own manufacture, the duplicate of which he had recently sold for
5500 louis d’or. On another occasion he removed a flaw from a diamond
belonging to Louis XV, increasing the value of the stone by 4000 livres.
On gala occasions he appeared with a diamond ring on every finger and
with shoe-buckles estimated to be worth at least 200,000 francs.
The charming personality of the Comte de
St. Germain made him a welcome guest in the homes of the nobility of
every land. But while he often sat at table with his friends, his own
food was specially prepared for him in his own apartments. He ate no
meat and drank no wine, his favorite beverage being a tea which he
prepared from certain herbs, and which he frequently presented to his
friends. His extraordinary popularity was due to his prowess as a
raconteur, to his well- known intimacy with the greatest men and women
of the day, to his familiarity with occult subjects, and especially to
the mystery of his birth and nationality, which he consistently refused
to reveal. He spoke with feeling of things which had happened hundreds
of years in the past, giving the impression that he himself had been
present. One evening, while he was recounting an event which had
happened many centuries before, he turned to his butler and asked if any
important details had been omitted. “Monsieur le Comte forgets,” his
butler replied, “that I have been with him only five hundred years. I
could not, therefore, have been present at that occurrence. It must have
been my predecessor.” If, as many claimed, St. Germain affirmed that he
had lived in Chaldea and possessed the secrets of the Egyptian sages,
he may have spoken the truth without making any miraculous claim. There
are Initiates, and not necessarily of the highest, who are able to
recall many of their past lives. This may have been St. Germain’s way of
calling his friends’ attention to the doctrine of reincarnation. Or
perhaps he knew the secret of “the Elixir of Life.”
Although no one knew when the Comte de
St. Germain was born, his life from 1710 to 1822 is a matter of history.
Both Rameau and the Countess de Georgy met him in Venice in 1710. Fifty
years later the aged Countess met him in Madame Pompadour’s house and
asked him if his father had been in Venice in that year. “No, Madame,”
the Count replied, “but I myself was living in Venice at the end of the
last and the beginning of this century. I had the honor to pay you court
then, and you were kind enough to admire a little Barcarolle of my
composing.” The Countess could not believe her ears. “But if that is
true,” she gasped, “you must be at least a hundred years old!” The Count
smiled. “That, Madame, is not impossible!”
In 1723 the Count showed his mother’s
portrait, which he always wore on his arm, to the mother of the future
Countess de Genlis. It was a miniature of an exceptionally beautiful
woman, dressed in a costume unfamiliar to the Countess. “To what period
does this costume belong?” the Countess inquired. The Count merely
smiled and changed the subject.
From 1737 to 1742 the Comte de St.
Germain was living in the Court of the Shah of Persia, occupied with
alchemical research. On his return from Persia he settled in Versailles
and became an intimate friend of Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. In the
following year he was caught in the Jacobite Revolution in England .
From there he went to Vienna , and afterward visited Frederick the Great
in his castle of Sans-Souci in Potsdam , where Voltaire was also an
honored guest. Although Voltaire was opposed to St. Germain’s
fellow-Theosophist Saint-Martin, his admiration for St. Germain was
unbounded. In a letter to Frederick , Voltaire expressed his opinion
that “the Comte de St. Germain is a man who was never born, who will
never die, and who knows everything.”
In 1755 the Comte de St. Germain
accompanied General Clive to India . On his return to France Louis XV
gave him a suite of apartments in the Royal Chateau of Chambord, in
Touraine . Here he often entertained the King and members of the Court
in the alchemical laboratory which the King had provided for him.
In 1760 Louis sent the Comte de St.
Germain on a delicate diplomatic mission to The Hague and London . At
that time he discovered that the Duc de Choiseul, who up to that time
had been implicitly trusted by the King, was playing a double game.
Although St. Germain confided this fact to the King, the former was
determined that the Peace Treaty between England and France should be
signed, no matter who received the credit. So one evening in May, 1761,
St. Germain called upon the Duc de Choiseul and remained closeted with
him the whole night. This conference resulted in the celebrated alliance
known as the Family Compact. This in its turn was the forerunner of the
Treaty of Paris, which brought the colonial war between England and
France to a close.
In the following year St. Germain was
called to St. Petersburg , where he played an important part in the
revolution which placed Catherine the Great upon the throne of Russia .
He left the country in the uniform of a Russian general, with full
credentials to which the imperial seal of Russia was affixed. Shortly
afterward he appeared in Tunis and Leghorn while the Russian fleet was
there, again in Russian uniform, and known under the name of Graf
After the death of Louis XV in 1774, St.
Germain spent several years travelling in Germany and Austria . Among
the Kings, Princes, Ambassadors and scholars who met him during those
years, how many suspected that the soul of a great Adept looked out
through the eyes of the Comte de St. Germain? How many realized that
they were conversing with an emissary of that Great Fraternity of
Perfected Men who stand behind the scenes of all the great world-dramas,
one who was directing not only the minor currents of European history,
but some of the major currents as well? How many were aware of St.
Germain’s real mission, part of which was the introduction of
Theosophical principles into the various occult fraternities of the day?
The Rosicrucian organizations were
certainly helped by him. While Christian Rosencreuz, the founder of the
Order, transmitted his teachings orally, St. Germain recorded the
doctrines in figures, and one of his enciphered manuscripts became the
property of his staunch friend, Prince Karl von Hesse. H.P.B. mentions
this manuscript in The Secret Doctrine (II, 202) and quotes at length
from another (II, 582). While St. Germain was living in Vienna he spent
much of his time in the Rosicrucian laboratory on the Landstrasse, and
at one time lived in the room which Leibniz occupied in 1713. St.
Germain also worked with the Fratres Lucis, and with the “Knights and
Brothers of Asia ” who studied Rosicrucian and Hermetic science and made
the “philosopher’s stone”(1) one of the objects of their research.
Although an effort has been made to
eliminate St. Germain’s name from modern Masonic literature, careful
research into Masonic archives will prove that he occupied a prominent
position in eighteenth century Masonry. He acted as a delegate to the
Wilhelmsbad Convention in 1782 and to the great Paris Convention of
1785. Cadet de Gassicourt described him as a travelling member of the
Knights Templar, and Deschamps says that Cagliostro was initiated into
that Order by St. Germain.
The Comte de St. Germain is said to have
died on February 27, 1784, and the Church Register of Eckernförde in
Danish Holstein contains the record of his death and burial. But as it
happens, some of St. Germain’s most important work was done after that
date. This fact is brought out in the Souvenirs de Marie-Antoinette,
written by one of her ladies-in-waiting, the Countess d’Adhémar. This
diary was started in 1760 and ended in 1821, one year before the death
of the Countess, and a large part of it is concerned with St. Germain’s
efforts to avert the horrors of the French Revolution.
Early one Sunday morning in 1788 the
Countess was surprised to receive a visit from the Comte de St. Germain,
whom she had not seen in several years. He warned her that a giant
conspiracy was under foot, in which the Encyclopaedists would use the
Duc de Chartres in an effort to overthrow the monarchy, and asked her to
take him to the Queen. When Madame d’Adhémar reported the conversation
to Marie-Antoinette, the Queen confessed that she also had received
another communication from this mysterious stranger who had protected
her with warnings from the day of her arrival in France . On the
following day St. Germain was admitted into the private apartments of
the Queen. “Madame,” he said to her, “for twenty years I was on intimate
terms with the late King, who deigned to listen to me with kindness. He
made use of my poor abilities on several occasions, and I do not think
he regretted giving me his confidence.” After warning her of the serious
condition of France , he asked her to communicate his message to the
King and to request the King not to consult with Maurepas. But the King
ignored the warning, and went directly to Maurepas, who immediately
called upon Madame d’Adhémar. In the midst of the conversation St.
Germain appeared. He confronted Maurepas with his treachery and said to
him: “In opposing yourself to my seeing the monarch, you are losing the
monarchy, for I have but a limited time to give to France . This time
over, I shall not be seen here again, until after three successive
generations have gone down to the grave,”
The second warning from St. Germain came
on July 14, 1789, when the Queen was saying farewell to the Duchesse de
Polignac. She opened the letter and read: “My words have fallen on your
ears in vain, and you have reached the period of which I informed you.
All the Polignacs and their friends are doomed to death. The Comte
d’Artois will perish.”
His farewell letter, addressed to Madame
d’Adhémar, arrived on October 5, 1789. “All is lost, Countess!” he
wrote. “This sun is the last which will set on the monarchy. Tomorrow it
will exist no more. My advice has been scorned. Now it is too late. . .
.” In that letter he asked the Countess to meet him early the next
morning. In that conversation the Comte de St. Germain informed her that
the time when he could have helped France was past. “I can do nothing
now. My hands are tied by one stronger than myself. The hour of repose
is past, and the decrees of Providence must be fulfilled.” He foretold
the death of the Queen, the complete ruin of the Bourbons, the rise of
Napoleon. “And you yourself?” the Countess asked. “I must go to Sweden
,” he answered. “A great crime is brewing there, and I am going to try
to prevent it. His Majesty Gustavus III interests me. He is worth more
than his renown.” The Countess inquired if she would see him again.
“Five times more,” he answered. “Do not wish for the sixth.”
True to his word, the Comte de St.
Germain appeared to the Countess d’Adhémar on five different occasions:
at the beheading of the Queen; on the 18th Brumaire; the day following
the death of the Duc d’Enghien in 1804; in January, 1813; on the eve of
the assassination of the Duc de Berri in 1820. Presumably, the sixth
time was on the day of her death, in 1822. What happened to the Comte de
St. Germain after that date? Did he, as Andrew Lang asks, “die in the
palace of Prince Karl von Hesse about 1780-85? Did he, on the other
hand, escape from the French prison where Grosley thought he saw him,
during the French Revolution? Was he known to Lord Lytton about 1860?
Who knows?” Who, indeed. One of the Masters spoke of the “benevolent
German Prince from whose house, and in whose presence he (St. Germain)
made his last exit — home.”
In the last decade of the eighteenth
century St. Germain confided his future plans to his Austrian friend,
Franz Graeffer, saying, ” Tomorrow night I am off. I am much needed in
Constantinople, then in England, there to prepare two new inventions
which you will have in the next century — trains and steamboats. Toward
the end of this century I shall disappear out of Europe, and betake
myself to the region of the Himalayas . I will rest; I must rest.
Exactly in 85 years will people again set eyes on me. Farewell.” (Kleine
Wiener Memorien.)
These words were spoken in 1790.
Eighty-five years from that date brings us to 1875. What part did St.
Germain play in the Theosophical Movement of the last century? What part
is he going to play in the present century? H.P.B. gave a cryptic
suggestion of the time when he would again appear:
The Comte de St. Germain was certainly
the greatest Oriental Adept Europe had seen during the last centuries.
But Europe knew him not. Perchance some may recognize him at the next
Terreur, which will affect all Europe when it comes, and not one country
Was the event of which she spoke the last great War, or does the real Terreur still lie before us?
( From “Count of St. Germain” from a
series Great Theosophists, Theosophy, Vol. 27, No. 1, November, 1938 ,
Number 28 of a 29-part series,)
The Comte de St. Germain stepped into a
Europe full of discord and conflict. Austria and France were pitted
against England and Prussia . Russia was stirring up strife in Poland
and England , in addition to warring with France , was also at war with
her colonies in America and trying to conquer India . The constant state
of war and conflict between the ruling families drew resources away
from their respective populations keeping the masses in a state of
abject poverty, while the Royalty continued to wine, dine, and scheme on
their political alliances.
It was obvious to the European Royalty
that the Comte de St. Germain was of high birth, for he exhibited the
savoir-faire and mannerisms of the Court and an extremely high
intellectual acumen in most fields of endeavor. But what was all this
flamboyance and phenomena about? Could the Great Brotherhood of Light
have hoped that the powers that controlled 18th Century Europe would
stop battling each other and listen to the advice of one so endowed and
The Comte de St. Germain made a decision
to work alongside King Louis XV, for the King preferred to use secret
diplomacy in his matters of foreign affairs. The Comte de St. Germain
also hoped he could bring the warring parties into a federated Europe
that would exist in peace. But as a Master he could but advise, for
under the Cosmic Law he was bound to respect the free will of those
involved. He could but hope that his extraordinary feats demonstrated
before their very eyes would add more validity to his words of counsel.
As a Master, the Comte de St. Germain
could clearly see the future fate of the royalty if they continued on
their path of arrogance and war. He laid out these dangers to the powers
that be, including the famous Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France. But
his visions of the future fell on deaf ears. The King’s ministers
feeling usurped by the Count plotted to eliminate him rather than take
his warnings into consideration. Instead internecine court plotting took
precedence over the looming events. Finally, their arrogant blindness
led them into direct confrontation with the masses in the French
A decade before, the Comte de St. Germain
took time off in Europe to externalize as a gentleman in the back of
the room at the Philadelphia State House when the Declaration of
Independence was before the body of colonial leaders for signing. When
the colonial leaders hesitated, thinking of the war and deaths that
would ensue in a war with England , the gentleman stood up and
admonished in a loud voice, “Sign this Parchment!” The Declaration of
Independence would create America , an actual place on earth where ideas
promoting man’s liberation could be implemented. Sanctus Germanus would
nurture this creation just as he did as Joseph, the father of the child
Back in Europe , Sanctus Germanus could
not use his powers to strike back at those who sought to kill him. And
indeed plot after plot to incarcerate or kill him followed him. No, as
an ascended Master, that due his enemies would have to be left to the
Laws of Karma. Instead, he merely disappeared, often retreating to the
Brotherhood’s sanctuaries in the mountains of Europe or Asia for
meditation and renewal, and then reappeared at key moments when it was
Both the American and the French
Revolutions came about in part from the liberal ideals advanced during
the Age of Enlightenment of which Sanctus Germanus was an integral part
in his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon. The revolutionary ideas that
swept over the European continent following the fall of the French
monarchy would level the influences of the royal courts forever.
Sanctus Germanus played an active “behind
the scenes” role in the realization of the idea of America . It is said
that he inspired Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, standing firmly
behind the emancipation of America ‘s slaves. More is not known about
his role in the birth pains of America .
We can see that the various incarnations
of Sanctus Germanus from Merlin to the Comte de St. Germain dealt with
creating the governing and social context for the liberation of mankind
from tyrannical authority and poverty. Again the Great Brotherhood of
Light demonstrated that it is the inevitable power of the word, those
thought-forms designed to free man’s soul that would triumph over the
most powerful of Kings.
During the 19th and 20th centuries,
Sanctus Germanus would turn his attention to the more difficult and
arduous process of soul liberation.
Sanctus Germanus and the Process of Soul Liberation
During the latter part of the 19th
Century and throughout the 20th Century, the Great Brotherhood of Light
externalized itself with ever more force and frequency in the form of
the Theosophy, the “I AM”, Djwal Khul-Alice A. Bailey, Bridge to Freedom
and Summit Lighthouse Movements. All these movements would have in
common the message of Soul Liberation.
It was no accident that this first
embodiment of the Ancient Wisdom to the west would start in America when
Helena P. Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott founded the
Theosophical Society in 1875 in New York city .
Madame Blavatsky only hints of the role
that Sanctus Germanus played in her training and teachings, although one
sees him in the precipitated photo in About Us. It would be the Masters
Kuthumi and Morya who would take on the major task of forming the
Theosophical Movement in America , Great Britain and India . Blavatsky’s
seminal works, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine would
revolutionize western thinking and reveal to it the existence of the
Great Brotherhood of Light and its hand in moving the course of events
throughout history.
Moreover, Theosophy would introduce the
notion that man’s true liberation came from the soul within, his Higher
Self, and that each individual was indeed the son of God, if not part of
God Itself. It revealed to the western world that Christianity had its
roots in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt and India and that Jesus
had indeed traveled there and received instructions from the Masters of
the Great Brotherhood of Light. That the very foundations of
Christianity came from the same source as Buddhism and other religions
would plant the seeds for the coming World Religion.
Revealed to western thinking what those
in the East had known for centuries was that God was within every man’s
body. He would have to look inward, reconnect with his own soul and then
allow it to infuse his physical body and express itself. This was soul
liberation and the salvation of mankind.
The Theosophical movement would spread
throughout the world by the first quarter of the Twentieth Century, then
wane, kept alive by the rich research and insights done by the founders
and luminaries during its initial stages of development. Today, their
publications continue to provide a firm foundation establishing the
Ancient Wisdom in the western world.
The Tibetan Master Djwal Khul stepped in,
as internal strife in the Theosophical Movement caused it to lose
momentum, and dictated an impressive body of teachings to Alice A.
Bailey over a period of forty years. This body of enlightened teachings
put in historical and future perspective the ongoing externalization of
the Great Brotherhood of Light’s activities and revealed the huge body
of Cosmic Laws that governed such activities.
It would not be until the 1930’s that
Sanctus Germanus would again materialize and take a direct hand in the
formation of the “I AM” movement. As with his appearance as the Comte de
St. Germain in the 18th Century in a Europe in tumult, his reappearance
in the 1930’s occurred in the midst of the Great Depression and the
World Wars 1914 to 1945. As an ascended Master Sanctus Germanus worked
through his messenger Mr. Godfry Ballard and together the “I AM”
movement swelled to around 700,000 adherents.
The “I AM” movement carried on the
teachings of soul liberation, the God within or the “I AM”. Another
thrust of the “I AM” movement was to invoke and preserve the idea of
America , a revolutionary experiment in freedom, and to keep it out of
the worldwide insanity of war and turmoil that had engulfed the earth.
In 1941, Mr. Ballard passed on and the “I AM” movement gradually lost
its momentum. The United States of America subsequently joined the
warring nations in the Second World War.
In the post-war years of the 1950’s
Sanctus Germanus again appeared through his messenger, Geraldine
Innocente, to form the Bridge to Freedom movement. Through this rather
short-lived movement, Sanctus Germanus revealed more about the structure
of the Great Brotherhood of Light, it’s continued governance of world
affairs, and laid before mankind its present and future plans to
externalize and usher in the New Era.
He again appeared through another
messenger, Marc Prophet, and formed the Summit Lighthouse movement in
the 1970’s. This movement attempted to formalize the teachings of the
ascended Masters into a university curriculum to train disciples and
initiates for the Great Brotherhood of Light. But as is often the case,
the movement became the target of the dark forces, and
misrepresentations from the astral plane bearing look-alikes of the
Masters began to skew the teachings of the movement, leaving many
disillusioned followers in its wake.
Sanctus Germanus, the Present Hierarch of the New Age
We have seen in the various incarnations
of the Great and Holy Master Sanctus Germanus a constant theme of
liberating mankind from the clutches of dark thinking and superstition.
From the time as Joseph he nurtured the child Jesus and saw to it that
he was instructed in the tradition of the Ancient Wisdom. In his
subsequent incarnations he continued to keep the ancient mysteries alive
in the Rosicrucian and Masons secret societies that survive until this
day along with other embodiments of the Ancient Wisdom such as
Theosophy. At the same time, from Merlin onward he sought to liberate
man’s society from tyrannical authority and raise human thinking and
logic, to advance scientific thinking-all this to set the stage for
mankind’s soul liberation which we are experiencing today and which we
shall see in full bloom in the New Age.
With centuries of experience on earth in
various incarnations behind him, the ascended Master Sanctus Germanus
has now been given the responsibility as the growing hierarch of the New
Age. Here is what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said of the Master:
The Masters of Wisdom, as you know, play
no favorites. If there is a favorite amongst them it is simply that the
will of God be done and fulfilled. And the Master St. Germain obviously
is no exception to this. And so to him . . . the planet, . . . it would
almost be like a sphere he holds in the palm of his hand. He’s not only
alive with America or Europe or any of the places that he’s reportedly
to have haunted in the past. Yes, yes, yes, of course, those have all
been his stomping grounds. But literally the whole planetary body is
subject to his will. He, as it were, takes his place as the growing
hierarch of the NEW AGE, Aquarius.
Today his presence is felt everywhere in
the world. Unbeknownst to most, Sanctus Germanus has been the
inspiration and promoter behind the tremendous explosion of innovations
involving the computer and the Internet. Each time you sit down at your
computer and log on to the Internet, think of the Great and Holy Master
Sanctus Germanus. Through email and the semi-instantaneous access and
connection to information all over the world, you are experiencing in a
small way, the precursor of the integral “knowingness” of the New Age.
Email is right now the crude precursor to mental telepathy, which will
be the basis of communication in the advanced stages of the New Age. Of
course, the greed that accompanied the dot.com
rise and fall had to be flushed out but the technology and potential of
broadband connections around the world stand ready to be exploited. It
will just be a matter of time before the earth will experience forms of
the Internet heretofore inconceivable, and Sanctus Germanus uses this
innovation in ever more frequency and power to get his message of soul
liberation to mankind.
But before these great promises of soul
liberation and peace can be realized on earth, we must pass through yet
another period of earthly turmoil. In the year 2000 the Great Cosmic
Beings responsible for earth decided to accelerate the pace of earth’s
evolution to make up for the various setbacks encountered during the
Piscean dispensation. Time will fly, so to speak, but the temporary
result will be a world engulfed in insanity.
What will appear to the material eye as a
collapse of the financial, economic, and political structures in the
world and the rise of terrorism, war, and plain insane behavior
worldwide must be interpreted as a grading process, the weeding out of
the evil influences on earth, the separation of the tares from the
wheat. At the helm of this momentous purging of earth’s dark forces is
the Great and Holy Master Sanctus Germanus again appearing at this
particular flashpoint as he did in past history to guide and protect us
at the threshold of the New Age.
Comte de St. Germain
story of how this change will occur, takes us back to Tudor England.
There was an enigmatic character by the name of Saint Germain. He
learned the secrets of alchemy by studying ancient esoteric knowledge
into the occult he was literally able to turn lead into gold, rocks into
diamonds, and later was able transmute his mortal body into a immortal
angel conquering death itself. With his “elixir of life” and positive
thinking he never aged at all.
to Germain “It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire,
the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds
in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger
and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the
years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of
old age.”
Comte de Saint Germain
“A man who knows everything and who never dies,” – Voltaire
de Saint Germain was noted for rubbing elbows with the monarchies. Many
of which commented on his elaborate shoes stubbed with $40,000 diamonds
and pearls. No one knew the source of his income. Then around 1727 he
shared his secret money making techniques to certain German bankers in
hopes that they would use the money to help humanity. Using his
techniques, they along with the monarchies choose to squander the money
for themselves. Even to this day, these bankers have continued to keep
this knowledge secret.
Saint Germain realized the money was never going to be used for
benevolent purposes so he pulled his money out and in 1729 he put it
into his own “World Trust.” At the founding of the trust it was
stipulated that this money would be released in the year 2000.
Bank Roll Programs
the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and “banksters”
began to see the error in their parent’s evilness and their use of
wealth. These 100 children are known as “wealthy visionaries”. Together
they invested some of their families money into secret money roll
programs, to be used for humanitarian purposes.
bank roll programs, allow wealthy investors to make insane profits by
ripping off the assets and resources from third world nations. The
profits from these programs are utterly astronomical as monthly returns
can be in excess of 1:100,000 and 1:500,000. The name “roll programs”
comes from a method of rolling money over and over in short periods of
time. At the end of each cycle investors then reinvest or “roll” the
principle and interest earned over into the next cycle. In the late
1990’s the bank roll programs finally ceased.
earned from these bank roll programs became known as the “Prosperity
Programs” Over time the programs where secretly opened up to small
investors so that one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a
time. These small amounts where handled by trustees, who collected the
money and kept records, and combined the small investments into the
large amount, let’s say, one million dollars, that was required in order
to enter a “roll”.
news of these programs spread by word of mouth and especially via
multi-level marketers. Thousands of people invested and great wealth was
generated, but little, if anything was ever paid back to the investors.
Trustees such as Clyde Hood and Mike Kadoski where sent to jail under
false charges. Then corruption, greed, and fraud became wide spread
among the bankers, government, and even some trustees who wanted to
steal the money for themselves.
the Bush family had their hands in the pot, using Promis Software they
could transfer stolen funds without being traced. Many have died because
of this wealth, but God has another plan for humanity.
time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from
Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil
corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250
years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net
worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or
$1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the
size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not
believe it!
The money from the World Trust will be distributed in the following manner.
Level One — World Trust.
is under the trusteeship of Master St. Germain. At his direction The
World Trust can only be activated for payout at only two times during
any given year, Easter and Christmas. At St. Germain’s orders the World
Court activates the funding process. This process continues down through
the four lower levels of trusts to the people, and under certain
conditions the funding window remains open until the next holiday
funding window begins. For example, if the Easter window is activated,
the window can remain open until December 24, the day before Christmas,
at which time it closes. The window remains open only if significant
funds are moved to certain designated trusts during a set period of
time. If not, the funding window is closed when such deadlines are not
Level Two —
are the 180 Royal Trusts under the control of trustees in various
sovereign countries. Examples are The French Trust, The Russian Trust,
and the Vatican Trust.
Level Three —
are the Family Trusts under the control of trustees of the world’s
wealthiest families. Examples are Bronfman, Warburg, Morgan, Rothschild,
and Rockefeller.
Level Four —
are the 250 plus Corporate Trusts under the control of trustees from
powerful companies and corporations. Examples are General Electric,
Lockheed, General Motors, Boeing, Carnegie, Ford, Marriott and AT&T.
There are 4-5 trustees per trust which means that approximately 1200
trustees must sign documents to move money through these trusts.
Level Five —
are the Prosperity Program Trusts which represent the various 70-75
bank roll programs which are under the control of designated program
trustees. Again, there are 4-5 trustees per trust or some 350 persons
who must sign documents to activate these trusts. Some examples include
Bergevene, SBC, ITI, Savage, Morgan, Omega, and Freedom. The largest
trust is Freedom and it must be funded first. It is these trust’s that
hold the wealth from the enlightened robber baron children.
Then finally the funds will be released to the common man.
the funds pass through each trust, the trustee must use only certain
designated “safe” banks and sign the proper documents with only certain
designated banking personnel at those banks. Should this process be
activated and then be stalled by deceitful bankers, deceitful trustees,
etc. and the deadlines for funding to reach certain trusts are not met,
the funding window is then closed. This is the problem members of the
Bush family are blocking the release of these funds.
Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.
There is much disinformation on the Internet pertaining to this law. Sources such as quatloos.com which is a CIA front, nesara.org
which is owned by the Bush family, the 33rd Zion Lodge, the NSA, Sherry
Shriner, and various Internet channeling’s straight out of CIA Langley
have been spouting much disinformation and confusion on the subject.
The information on the Wikipedia even has its facts wrong.
gives you the history of Harvey Barnard NESARA law. If you look closely
this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery
Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income with a
national sales tax.
This law was rejected by congress in the 1990’s. However there is another NESARA law on the books.
NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country
but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the
Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the
American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the
“American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back
what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat
that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment
was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from
holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and
the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the
necessary states into law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follows.
13th Amendment
any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain,
any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of
Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of
any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power,
such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall
be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or
either of them.
amendment was unacceptable for the British crown because this would
essentially cut of all meddling into the affairs of the new republic’s
government. It would also mean anyone who is a member of the BAR
(Lawyer) association would not be allowed to hold public office.
Remember the B.A.R. is short for the British Accredited Registry. This
amendment is technically still in effect today and therefore all the
laws that have been made by lawyers remains unconstitutional, as they
are not allowed to be US citizens.
is why England fought in a war with us in 1812. Washington D.C. was
burned to the ground and the original documents which proved this was
indeed a law were destroyed. The British monarchy knew the American
people would never tolerate British rule again, so they offered back the
republic to the people with one exception, the 13th amendment was to be
removed from the constitution. Nearly 200 years have now since passed,
we have been conquered and yet we don’t know it.
we had the civil war which was really about the Rothschild family
trying to gain control of the south’s cotton industry. Then we had the
Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which put America into slavery. Finally in
the early 1990’s we started to see a change.
beginnings of NESARA takes us back to the early 1970’s when the banks
where foreclosing on farmers mortgages all over the United States. The
Willie Nelson “Live Aid” concerts were one of the fund raisers that
helped these farmers. The farmers soon realized the banks where not only
charging exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest, but they where
illegally foreclosing on their homes.
these farmers began to seek legal action against the banks they soon
realized that the government and banks where working in collusion with
each other. So in the early 1990’s, they sought the help of the Farmers
Union and did in depth research on all the banks illegal activities. A
series of lawsuits where initiated against the banks and the government.
Over 336,000 Farm Claims filed for fraud against the U.S. Federal
Government with an average of $20 million dollars per claim. This
amounts to $6.6 trillion total.
retaliation the banks and the government sent the IRS against the
farmers. When the farmers realized they where being unfairly targeted by
the IRS they began looking for ways to fight back. They requested help
from military generals such as General Ray Swasinger, to sit in the
court room to ensure the bribed judges would vote according to
constitutional law.
court cases ran up and down various state and federal courts from
1970’s till the 1990’s. Then in 1992-1993, the farmers appealed their
case to the US supreme court. Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court
Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were VALID and that the
U.S. federal government and the banks had seriously defrauded the
farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.
Furthermore the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS and the
Federal Reserve where unlawful, that the income tax amendment was never
ratified by the US states, and that the US government had illegally
foreclosed on farmers homes with the help of federal agencies.
Irrefutable proof of such was presented by a retired CIA agent. He
provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activity, to lead
further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were legitimate.
The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required.
when rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices
are assigned to monitor the progress on how the rulings are carried out.
In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop
steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the
Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted
the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking,
Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The
Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of
people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA
have been named “White Knights”.
term “White Knights” was borrowed from the world of big business
hostile takeovers. It refers to how a vulnerable company is “rescued
from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy
person. This term is a most accurate term for these “White Knights” are
working behind the scenes to stop the madness.
the trial, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims. From
1993 through 1996, U.S. citizens filed Bank Claims against the banks and
the federal government through the U.S. Treasury Department to obtain
payment for the damages as specified by the U.S. Supreme Court. (This
process CLOSED in 1996.)
Gag Order
to the ground breaking changes required, an extremely strict gag order
was placed on everyone, directly involved and the court case records.
Anyone who broke this gag order would receive the death penalty.
Furthermore all court records where sealed until after all the reforms
are completed. To maintain this secrecy, the case details for the docket
number assigned to the Farmers’ Union case were changed.
As a
result doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct
information until after the reformations are made public.
every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to
sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court’s process of
implementing the required reformations “secret”, or face charges of
Treason which are punishable by death. This gag order was placed on all
media personnel, government officials, and bank employees. This is why
Alex Jones or TV news anchors will not talk about this on air. Nor will
wikipedia tell you the truth behind the law. Nor will Sherry Shriner who
is nothing more than a CIA stooge. Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone,
was about to break the gag order, but before he could his small
passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years
negotiating how the reformations would occur. These agreements , known
as “Accords” where made with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve
Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with
numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of
the Euro Zone.
U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system
be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent
activities stopped. Plus remedies will need to be made to U.S. citizens
for past harm due to fraud. The U.S. banking reformations will impact
the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries
had to be involved.
the years began to pass, the military generals who originally helped the
farmers soon realized that the government had no intentions of
implementing the “Accords.” So, the Justices authorized the reformations
be put into the form of a 75 page document known as the National
Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).
NESARA implements the following changes;
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
2. Abolishes income tax
3. Abolishes IRS; creates 14% flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue for government
4. Increases benefits to senior citizens
5. Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
6. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
8. Creates new US Treasury currency, “rainbow currency,” backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
9.. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
10. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
11. Restores financial privacy
12. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
13. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
14. Establishes peace throughout the world
15. Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast
wealth which has been accumulating for many decades. Every American
citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years.
The law requires that the farmers claims to be paid first before the
general public receives funds. Remember, these funds will come from the
Level 5 Trust, bank roll programs.
16. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
17. Enables the release of new technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup, and sonic healing machines.
law was passed secretly on March 9, 2000 by Congress. It was voted on
by seven members congress, which where the only ones constitutionally
allowed to hold office. This is because the nobility amendment prevents
anyone with ties to the crown from holding office.
NESARA requires all congress members to resign immediately, so all the
corrupt members of congress refused to vote. From its very inception
Bush Snr., the false congress, and major bank houses, and the Carlyle
group opposed NESARA. Secrecy was maintained by revising the official
congressional registry. The details of the bill number for NESARA were
revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.
members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been
ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of
NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; and some members
of Congress have actually been charged with “obstruction” and threatened
with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that
NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag
order. This why there are no public Congressional Records!
unelected cloned President Bill Clinton and his puppet masters, had no
interest in signing NESARA into law. So, the military generals enlisted
the help of the elite Naval Seals and the Delta Force. Together they
stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign
NESARA into law. This occurred on October 10, 2000.
NESARA is announced to the public it is stipulated that the original
farm claims must be paid out first in with gold or precious metals
backed currency as stipulated by the constitution. Therefore they cannot
be paid in Federal Reserve notes which is not money anyway. The $6.6
trillion is to be distributed in the form of ATM debit cards from the
new gold back US Treasury system. This money will come from the bank
roll programs originally set up by benevolent illuminati families. The
only catch is to release these funds they must first be released by
Goldman Sacs and Bank of America which are owned by the Rockefeller and
Bush cabals.
prevent the funds from being released the banking documents, which
contains instructions on how to access the funds, are being transported
24/7 between warehouses in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. The drivers
of these Fed Ex trucks are heavily bribed and many of are afraid of
reprisals from the Bush family if they deliver their payload as required
by law.
time when these packets where returned to Washington D.C., Bush placed
them under military guard. Federal judges ordered him to release the
funds, G.W. Bush replied. “You will never receive these packages, they
belong to me”. The judge answered “I can do no more, he is President of
the U.S.”
news media were called and refused to film the guards saying “He is the
President and we are afraid of what he will do.” (code for we also work
for the Illuminati)
has been going on for some time, so the IMF, and World Bank got
together along with the Rothschild family to set up a new global banking
system backed by gold. This will ultimately kill the Federal Reserve
System which is worthless fiat money. It was approved by congress on
September 19, 2007. On October 19, 2007, at midnight the U.S. treasury
of the Republic went on-line with the Global Banking System. The next
step is announcing this to the public, but it’s not an easy task to do.
powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation
of the NESARA law. 18 months after NESARA became law, the Justices had
the current Congress pass resolutions “approving” NESARA on September 9,
On September 10, 2001 George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement.
The next day NESARA was set to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001.
9/11 Attacks
Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced.
before the announcement, Bush Snr. ordered the demolition of World
Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one
and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank
Bush Snr decapitated any hopes of returning this government back to the
people. Despite the fact the Bush family was to be paid off $300
trillion dollars to cooperate with NESARA, they choose instead to
maintain control over us.
Ultimately in the end the Bush’s will end up with nothing.
Without a gold backed treasury system our country is headed to economic collapse, and eventual civil war.
Logistics of 9/11
are all familiar with the official story of September 11th: Four
jetliners where hijacked by groups of four and five Arabic men armed
with box cutters, who flew three of the four jets into the Twin Towers
and Pentagon. The World Trade Center weakened by the fires collapsed
into piles of rubble. Later that afternoon, the 47 story Building 7,
collapsed due to fire (a fact which most people are unaware of).
FBI had compiled a list of hijackers within three days, and so it was
obvious that Osama bin Laden had masterminded 9/11 from caves in
Afghanistan. With that in mind there was no need to seriously
investigate 9/11. The problem is when one investigates the conflicts of
interest and red flags we find a long series of improbable coincidences.
is standard operating procedure (SOP) to scramble a jet fighter whenever
an airliner goes off course or radio contact is lost. Between September
2000 and June 2001, interceptors where scrambled 67 times. In 2000 jets
where scrambled 129 times. The air traffic control system continuously
monitors air traffic and notifies NORAD of all deviations. NORAD is
responsible for monitoring, air and space traffic continuously, and is
prepared to act immediately to threats and emergencies. It has the
authority to order units from the Air National Guard, the Air Force and
other armed services in pursuit of airliners in trouble.
With this in mind what would cause the massive breakdown in the chain of command?
to the Pentagon, NORAD was conducting a mock terrorist drill on 9/11,
this is why they where unable to scramble jets in time. This seems to
conflict with Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta’s testimony
before the 9-11 Commission. He reports that at the time of the attacks
both Dick Cheney and himself was in the Presidential Emergency
Operations Command Center. Norman recalled an officer coming in every
few minutes to question the Vice President if NORAD should continue to
stand down and not shoot the airplanes out of the sky.
the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a
young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is
50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the
plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do
the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his
neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard
anything to the contrary!??”
airplanes which flew into the twin towers where military aircraft as no
normal 747 could maneuver the way they did. Remember the hijackers
nearly flunked out of flight school, how are they able to maneuver an
airplane in such a way even expert pilots could not. These planes were
most likely flow using autopilot because all 5 planes had their black
box in flight recorders turned off at the same time. The recorder is
turned off when the Airborne Warning and Control System takes over the
Planes where controlled using the U.S. Air Force’s “QRS11 Triaxial
Remote Guidance System” called “JPALS.” Essentially it’s a “gyro on a
chip.” It uses GPS satellite technology and electronics implanted in the
Boeing aircraft allowing them to be controlled remotely.
truth is the September 11th attacks where carried out using remote
processes. It was planned out by a CIA unit of 100 people (Aquarius?) in
August of 2001. This group carried out the attacks and staged the
so-called cell phone calls purported to be from passengers on the
commercial airlines by using voice impersonation technology and other
remote technologies. This same CIA group also created the conspiracy
story of 19 Arab hijackers, many of whom where either dead or in jail in
the middle east.
for the airline passengers on 9/11, they where probably gassed aboard
their plane and then sent to either the Amtrak facility in Kansas City,
Kansas or the FEMA crematorium in Terra Haute, ID to be incinerated.
Explosions in WTC
official NIST’s (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
investigation is often cited as proving the theory that planes and fires
caused the collapses. Yet the report fails to mention how the buildings
could collapse due to fire without a historical precedent of any steel
framed skyscraper collapsing other than a controlled demolition. In the
entire report only two sentences in a half page section gives us hints
as to what really happened. This troublesome issue is avoided by placing
them outside the scope of its investigation, claiming that “global
collapse” was “inevitable” after the “initiation of collapse.”
striking distinction of the World Trade Center collapse was the
pulverization of the concrete into dust and gravel before it hit the
ground. This can been seen in videos which show the towers mushrooming
into vast clouds as they fall, leaving only twisted pieces of steel and
no large pieces of concrete. While the building is collapsing you can
see puffs of smoke exploding each floor out in a timed demolition. These
puffs of smoke are called Sprites; which explode outward 10 to 15
floors below the rubble as the building collapses. This would suggest
the detonators where on a timed circuit set to go off in a controlled
manner. This also explains why the building collapsed in a free fall. An
unobstructed freefall using Newtonian physics would be 6 seconds. Logic
would dictate as the building collapsed the floors below it would
reduce the speed, however the World trade center collapsed in 7 seconds.
All of this make s sense especially when you consider the testimony
from the firefighters. They reported hearing bombs going off but the
media ignored their testimony. Even Columbia Observatory recorded minute
explosions on their seismograph, moments prior to the collapse.
Rodriguez who worked as a janitor reported hearing explosions in the
basement just moments prior to the airplane colliding into the world
trade center. Hilary Clinton promised him a high position in her
government if he remained silent about this. Instead he refused, even
today the media continue to ignore and distort his testimony.
to 9/11, no steel building had ever collapsed due to fire. There is no
way Jet fuel could burn hot enough to melt the steel in the WTC, this is
because steel melts at 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, and Jet fuel burns at
1,800. Even if the beams buckled it wouldn’t cause them to melt with the
fire proofing protection. The truth is the fire burned around 700
degrees and was about to extinguish itself. This can be confirmed by the
black smoke which occurs in an oxygen deprived fire. There is no way
the fires could have burned as hot as the government claims especially
when the videos show people sitting at the edge of the impact hole
waiting to be rescued.
Steven Jones, professor of physics at Brigham Young University found
that the rubble had evidence of evaporated steel, and thermite which is
used in controlled demolitions. In order for steel to evaporate it would
require temperatures in excess of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Even three
weeks after the world trade collapsed their where still areas of rubble
which where so hot fire fighters could not go near it. Maybe this
explains why the government was so eager to ship all the “evidence”, I
mean ruble to China and South Korea. This was crime scene, and by
removing the evidence the government violated crime scene laws. Oddly
enough the company which was given the task to do this was none other
than “Controlled Demolition Inc.” Its funny thing you know with all this
“heat.” How come the terrorist’s passports which linked Al-Qaeda to the
attacks failed to burn in the inferno as claimed by the government?
now the question is how did those explosives get into the building
without anyone noticing it? On the weekend of 9/8 and 9/9 there was a
‘power down’ condition in the south tower. For 36 hours there was no
electrical supply from the 50th floor and up. This would mean there
would be no security cameras, security locks on doors. Maintenance
workers reported seeing ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the building,
and the sound of heavy objects moving around on floors which where
supposed to be unoccupied. Even more red flags are raised when one
considers the fact that bomb sniffing dogs patrols where halted on
September 6, 2001. So who allowed this to happen?
(later renamed Stratesec ) was responsible for the security of the WTC
complex. Marvin Bush, G.W’s brother was on the board of directors. Isn’t
it odd that he has never been investigated especially considering
Securacom was also in charge of security for United Airlines, and Dulles
International Airport, the same place where the reported hijackers
boarded there planes.
Building 7
7 was the third building to collapse on 9/11 according to the
government fires leveled the building. The only problem with this is,
fires have never leveled a steel skyscraper before. The team that
investigated the collapse was kept away from the crime scene; by the
time their report was published in May 2002 the evidence had been
7 had a number of fires of limited extent and unknown duration before
the total collapse at 5:20 PM. Official reports assume the debris from
the North Tower ignited the fire at 10:29 A.M. FEMA’s report blamed the
collapse primarily on fires, though it was inconclusive. NIST suggested
it was cause by severe structural damage. However other skyscraper fires
exhibited more extensive burns and longer lasting than Building 7, but
none of these other buildings collapsed.
the video evidence, it is clear building 7 collapsed in a controlled
demolition type manner. Even the owner of the WTC complex, Larry
Silverstein admitted to this fact in 2002 on PBS,
remember getting a call from the…fire department commander, telling me
that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire. And
I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing
to do is pull-it.’ And they made that decision to pull and we watched
the building collapse.”
is a term used in controlled demolitions. Now it takes weeks of
planning and installation of detonators for a successful controlled
demolition. How could all these detonators be conveniently in place
unless Silverstein had foreknowledge the attacks would occur? Perhaps
this explains why he bought a 99 year insurance policy worth $7 billion
months prior to the attack. The truth is the world trade center was
loaded with asbestos. It would have cost much more than $7 billion to
take the building apart piece by piece to remove the stuff. So not only
is it cheaper to do a controlled demolition Larry Silverstein made money
from it too!
which where much closer to the World Trade center sustained more
damaged yet did not collapse due to fire. So how is it that Building 7
which was two buildings away from the North Tower, developed these fires
when it wasn’t hit with a plane. Maybe this can be answered when we
look at who has the most to gain from the destruction of this building.
The following are the prime suspects in the 9/11 collapse.
WTC 7, the SEC was storing thousands of files related to pending Wall
Street investigations on companies such as Enron and Worldcom.
Conveniently these document where destroyed when the building collapsed.
Other tenants in WTC7, include the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, FBI, and
Department of Defense. Building Seven also served as the command center
for the security of the entire WTC complex, which was headed by the
President’s brother, Marvin Bush, whose contract ended “coincidentally”
on 9/11. It was also host to then Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Office of
Emergency Management command center. This was built on the 23rd floor,
in 1998 as a “bunker” for emergences such as 9/11. It had bullet and
bomb-resistant windows, its own water and air supply, the ability to
withstand 160 mph winds, and a full commanding view of the entire WTC
complex. Interestingly, on 9/11 Giuliani didn’t bother to put the center
to use, even though that’s what it was built for. He decided instead,
to set up a makeshift command center down the street.
it strange that the official 9/11 commission report, choose to omit any
reference to building seven. What else are they hiding from us?
happened to the debris from flight 93 in Pennsylvania? It was
mysteriously missing, with the only evidence left, a 15 foot hole in the
ground. The truth is flight 93 was intended to hit Camp David. If you
go to YouTube you can hear the actual sound bites from the new networks
which announce flight 93 hit Camp David. Seriously folks, 9/11 was
totally scripted that day. Camp David was targeted by our government
because it was the anniversary of the “Camp David accords.” Which was
the 1978 Israeli-Egypt peace treaty, (Israel is actually a state within
the United States so it’s really the US-Egypt peace treaty.) By blaming
the Muslims it would have given our government another excuse to bomb
the Middle East.
was their no investigation in the put options on American Airlines
stock? Why was members of the bin laden family flown out of the country
on 9/11 when all other planes where grounded? Where did the missing $700
million dollar stash of gold stored under the WTC complex disappear
too? The questions go on and on. The government will not answer them
because they are at fault. The whores in the media will not tell us the
truth, as many of the major news networks have been paid off to lie to
the American people. Its all about the money!
is no way a 124 foot wide Boeing 757 airplane could fit into a hole
15-18 feet wide. So what hit the pentagon if it wasn’t a passenger
airplane? Unfortunately the government confiscated most evidence
covering up what happened. After the impact, pentagon officials
confiscated 80 video cameras which where focused on the pentagon, and
eyewitnesses had to sign nondisclosure agreements. To date only one of
these videos has been released and this video is only 4 frames. All we
can conclude from the video is a blurry metal bogey of some sort hit the
pentagon. It is safe to rule out a 757, because such a large aircraft
flying at 450 mph would literally be torn apart from turbulence created
while flying under 60 feet in altitude.
truth is Bush ordered the destruction of the Pentagon building to
prevent this country from returning back to constitutional law. Remote
pilot technology was used to fly a small white private plane loaded with
explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights
in their new Naval Communications Center. At the time they where
coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide.
time Bush says we are in a war against terrorism, the terrorists they
are referring to are not Al-Qaeda, THE TERRORISTS ARE THE AMERICAN
PEOPLE! Patriot Acts I and II will eventually take away basic
constitutional liberties such as a trial by jury and search warrants.
Further more anyone who tries to cash their refund from the NESARA trust
funds are arrested under the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Gestapo.
When one takes a closer look at the secret memos and executive orders
the intent of the elite is clear. We are now living in a police state
just like our Nazi leaders have always planned for us.
“He who trades liberty for security, deserves neither and will loose both.” – Thomas Jefferson
Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in fact best friends. They
where both business partners in Saudi Oil and members of the Carlye
Group. According to Patrick Bellringer, the Bush family was protecting
Bin Laden. He checked into the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN prior to
September 11, 2001 seeking medical treatment for his kidney problems.
The hospital gave him and his family a floor unto themselves for
privacy. He later died on December 26, 2001 from kidney (renal) failure
and lung complication. The big lie by the US government is to keep the
people believing there are terrorists out there to get us. It’s hard to
have a War on Terrorism, if there are no terrorists! Furthermore the
media refuse to investigate how a dying man can survive on a dialysis
machine in remote Pakistani caves for over six years.
you analyze the video footage, the seismic data, and eyewitness
accounts the government’s conspiracy theory just does not make sense.
This fictional story has given Bush an excuse to send the U.S. Military
to Afghanistan, Iraq, and create Patriot Act I and II. Now you know why
on 9/11, Bush Jr. sat in a classroom reading a children’s book about a
pet goat for seven minutes, as if this epic cosmic tragedy was no big
our country remains at war and the media covers up the amount of body
bags coming out of Iraq. Nor do they report the real death totals on
9/11. The actual death count is 30,700. No one questions the insanely
small numbers given out by the government because New York City is a
large place; people who have lost loved ones do not make contact with
others who have died in 9/11. So they have no way of knowing how many
truly died, especially when their government lies to them. The following
death totals comes from the Pleiadian Commander in Chief Hatonn (more
on who he is later.)
Casualties Report March 2003 till January 2007
Iraq War
U.S. soldiers killed 11,600
U.S. soldiers, war injuries 22,800
U.S. civilians killed 5,000
U.S. soldier bodies dumped into Persian Gulf 7,000
Iraqis killed 960,000
Iraqis injured 555,000
Official Data of the U.S. Dept. of Defense, Jan. 26, 2007
Confirmed U.S. soldiers dead 3,063
U.S soldier, hostile injuries 22,884
U.S. soldier-non-hostile injuries and disease victims 24,823
( http://icasualties.org/oif/)
Afghanistan War
U.S. soldiers killed 680
U.S. soldiers, war injuries 660
9/11 – World Trade Tower Disaster
People killed that day 30,700
Total deaths to date resulting from this disaster 56,600
Number of the 30,700 picked up by Starship that day 20,400
U.S. Gov. official death toll 2,752
U.S. Gov. officially identified 1,527
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