Sunday, 29 September 2019

A dervish, I dance my way through life;
A dervish, I pause at the gate that takes me to death.
A dervish, I know I cannot pause long;
A dervish, I leap, a leap of faith
into the arms of the spirit that dances not,
the spirit that is waiting to embrace me,
the spirit that forever stands still.

Sept. 3, 2016,

Image result for images of the dance of the dervish

i died as a mineral and became a plant
i died as plant and rose to animal
i died as animal and i was man
why should i fear
when was i less by dying

. . . . .
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1 comment:

  1. Este o pauză prea lungă...
    Un derviș dansează mereu... Dansați, Sushama! Dansați...
