'Where will that ship go?'
"Rangoon, Singapore and via Manila, Japan, then back to India."
'You must have traveled all over the world.'
"Hmm...Yes, almost everywhere!"
'What an exciting life! Every time new land, new people, everything new, all the time!'
"Yes! To begin with, I felt the same. But no more! I am fed up of watching the same sea. Everything is the same everywhere, the sea, the people...I can't find myself anywhere, as if I don't have a life of my own. Sometimes I wish I could quit all this; I want to give up this unsettled life! What are you looking at?"
'The waves!'
"Waves! What is it about the waves?"
'The mind too is the sea, rocked by waves.'
"Why? There must be some reason?!"
'Perhaps I should not come here......I am getting late...must make a move.'
"Everything you say is mystifying!"
'Keep this. This may solve at least one.'
"Rangoon, Singapore and via Manila, Japan, then back to India."
'You must have traveled all over the world.'
"Hmm...Yes, almost everywhere!"
'What an exciting life! Every time new land, new people, everything new, all the time!'
"Yes! To begin with, I felt the same. But no more! I am fed up of watching the same sea. Everything is the same everywhere, the sea, the people...I can't find myself anywhere, as if I don't have a life of my own. Sometimes I wish I could quit all this; I want to give up this unsettled life! What are you looking at?"
'The waves!'
"Waves! What is it about the waves?"
'The mind too is the sea, rocked by waves.'
"Why? There must be some reason?!"
'Perhaps I should not come here......I am getting late...must make a move.'
"Everything you say is mystifying!"
'Keep this. This may solve at least one.'
REPLY Oct 14, 2017 - Oct 14, 2017
- Oct 14, 2017
- Oct 14, 2017
- Oct 14, 2017
- So nice ....
"Everything you say is mystifying!"
'Keep this. This may solve at least one.'
Regards.REPLY Oct 14, 2017 - Oct 14, 2017
- Questions ... . We do not have oceans, seas, but the issues are the same. The thoughts and the message are similar. Sometimes there is an answer. Value systems, clusters, great bustle. But it's colorful and good, but sometimes black and white. Do you want to meet yourself or others? There is always a golden middle path. I wish you a nice weekend in thought. + :-}}}
REPLY Oct 14, 2017 - +György Fülöp The same wished back to you :-)) A nice weekend, refreshing walks in the forests, superb sunlight for photography..
REPLY Oct 14, 2017
O după-amiază frumoasă și relaxantă îți doresc, dincolo de toate valurile, dragă Sushama!
Inspirație maximă!!🌞🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🎶💕☕🍰🍫🍇🍎😊🙅👋REPLY Oct 23, 2017 - A great afternoon to you, relaxing, with whatever beverage you prefer. Best wishes and great inspiration go riding above waves to you, Sem. +Sem Xtz2017
REPLY Oct 14, 2017 - Oct 14, 2017
- Oct 14, 2017
- +Sushama Karnik The curious Soul...`)
Just really wonderful & Good weekend Sushama.`)REPLY Oct 14, 2017 - Oct 17, 2017
- Oct 18, 2017
@Sushama Karnik: Where will that ship go?

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