Sunday, 19 May 2019

The shaft of sunlight broke
and the splinters flew all around.
Some were taken by the waves
 and they became boats
for sailors in lonely faraway lands;
some were taken by the gales
and they became stars,
laughing, twinkling
in sardonic smiles
at the ironies of fate that rocked the man.

Some were taken by the sirens lying in wait
and they used them as snares
to cast their nets
to collect some Apollo from up the tall mast
riding the crest of a giant wave.

And some were found lying in the sand
luminous, unending streams of light.
Some saturnine soul wandering forlorn
on a night when no moon shone
was hit hard by one and stopped.
One by one he picked them all
and assiduously built
in that single night
a lighthouse standing firm on a rock.

Thank you for the image +Linlin Smith
and thank you +Souheil Ghammachi  for sharing it in his stream

La Jument Lighthouse


  1. Excelent poem! Ce viziune...
    Da, hai să construim un far ferm și luminos din cuvintele și inimile noastre... 📝💞

  2. Thanks for your words and response to the vision. Sorry for the delay in my reply. This is what happens when we post on the blog. Have a pleasant week, Sem.
