Saturday, 25 May 2019

The scrolls which preserve the script
in the dear old handwriting of the past
were written in the scarlet red.
The quill at the end of the pens still has the stains
of the red ink sticking to them.
The words were willed
to take their forms and shapes
in the cauldron of passion.
Then came the time
when the scrolls were rolled up and sealed,
the madness quelled,
it's time to calm, soothe,
settle, quieten, put at rest,
lull, silence, put behind one,
rise above, allay, appease, stay,
assuage, abate, deaden, and dull,
tranquilize, mitigate, moderate, and play
with the light and the shadows
in the clear light of the day.
The madness that brought the scroll
is still a thing to marvel at and wonder
how the quietude still has the reflected glow.

Only those things are beautiful
which are inspired by madness
and written by reason...  
-source paintedhorse23


  1. ...să ne întoarcem la pasiune, așadar...
    Și penița stiloului ca o lance deschise un nou drum în arta poetică...
    Să fim din nou nebuni pentru această cauză nobilă...
    Cu sărutări pătimașe să intrăm în patul literaturii,
    cu umeri goi, cu buze moi, cu forme seductive...
    Ah, această dulce îndeletnicire a creației...

    1. And here is a translation by Google:
      to return to passion, so ...
      And the pen pen as a lance opened a new path in poetic art ...
      Let's be crazy again for this noble cause ...
      With passionate kisses to enter the bed of literature,
      with bare shoulders, soft lips, seductive shapes ...
      Ah, this sweet exploitation of creation ...

  2. 💜🌹
    Noapte bună, muză bună! 😘
