Wednesday, 19 June 2019



Healing stones,
take a close look,
peridot,garnet, amethyst,
coral, lasanya,emeralds and rubies;
they are all rocks at the core,
just too deep to visit
exploring the netherland in the light of day,
you see them lying shocked and stunned
on the benign surface of the earth;
not having forgotten as yet
that the lava brought them forth
and turned them now into healing stones.
Before the rays of the sun
caressed them and awakened the healing force,
they lay in the dark,
abysmal depth,
unaware of what they could do
when exposed to the light of the sun.
And the gold? That too lay compounded with ore.
It needed the venomous touch of mercury
to separate it from ore and make it shine as gold.

1 comment:

  1. Da, acest aur cules din cuvintele tale...
    Poeme de aur, mâini de aur...
    Sentimentele ca niște perle
    în strălucirea soarelui...
