The Myth Of The Kundalini
The woman curls up in the midst of the green and the red.
An ancient, archaic, green desire,
infused like a slow poison
slowly invades the pores of her being.
She closes her eyes in a sweet surrender
and lets her hair down in a cascade of the words
uttered like a waterfall running down like a magic chant.
The female cobra lying dormant at the base of the spine
rises and raises its head. Its tongue is the tongue of fire.
The woman is the moment of waiting for a resurrection.
She is just the moment before she will snap up like a sword, erect and out of the sheathing.
She will seem to annihilate you,
but no; she will not.
A mighty force, the will of God,
she will incarnate
and take you along
the six subtle stopovers on the winding path
but never allow you to pause and rest.
At each sojourn she will give you glimpses
of the lifetimes lived in the past,
each lifetime a singular lesson
distilled insights in measured steps.
First, the primordial strength to fight the primordial fear
at the base of the being,
then the settlement in the life of the body
fully entrenched in faith of living.
Then onward she will pull you along.
You are energy, power,
infinite but scattered.
You will have to dwell here long
until you learn to collect and ride over it like you ride a horse;
opening like a bud, mysterious, gentle,
greeting the dawn.
The call of a distant drum'beating but unheard
and you will follow the mysterious notes of the unsung song
until you land at the throat
to breathe in unison with God.
The lady will be quiet, serene, benign.
You will live with her as with a goddess sublime.
You will have no language but that which you learn to speak with her.
Long will be these blissful days, an unending era of peace.
And one day all of a sudden she will wake you out of sleep.
An unrest the origin of which you will not know
will take hold of you and throw you into a swirling tide of restlessness.
Now is the time you need her most.
Do not let go of her hand.
The path is straight and narrow.
Nothing will make sense to you;
it's a vast universe of absurdity;
but hold her fast;
hold her steady;
she makes no demands.
Listen to her silence.
An infinite valley of tenderness,
the peaks of ecstasy,
the visions will come and go.
But do not let her go.
She will take you into a trance,
deeper and deeper, quieter still.
Shiva will dance before your eyes
and the rhythm of the dance
will reach a crescendo
Do not look back;
she is right there behind you
The woman curls up in the midst of the green and the red.
An ancient, archaic, green desire,
infused like a slow poison
slowly invades the pores of her being.
She closes her eyes in a sweet surrender
and lets her hair down in a cascade of the words
uttered like a waterfall running down like a magic chant.
The female cobra lying dormant at the base of the spine
rises and raises its head. Its tongue is the tongue of fire.
The woman is the moment of waiting for a resurrection.
She is just the moment before she will snap up like a sword, erect and out of the sheathing.
She will seem to annihilate you,
but no; she will not.
A mighty force, the will of God,
she will incarnate
and take you along
the six subtle stopovers on the winding path
but never allow you to pause and rest.
At each sojourn she will give you glimpses
of the lifetimes lived in the past,
each lifetime a singular lesson
distilled insights in measured steps.
First, the primordial strength to fight the primordial fear
at the base of the being,
then the settlement in the life of the body
fully entrenched in faith of living.
Then onward she will pull you along.
You are energy, power,
infinite but scattered.
You will have to dwell here long
until you learn to collect and ride over it like you ride a horse;
until boredom, lethargy, nausea will spread over you like a gentle swoon.
And slowly a new lotus will be your heart,opening like a bud, mysterious, gentle,
greeting the dawn.
The call of a distant drum'beating but unheard
and you will follow the mysterious notes of the unsung song
until you land at the throat
to breathe in unison with God.
The lady will be quiet, serene, benign.
You will live with her as with a goddess sublime.
You will have no language but that which you learn to speak with her.
Long will be these blissful days, an unending era of peace.
And one day all of a sudden she will wake you out of sleep.
An unrest the origin of which you will not know
will take hold of you and throw you into a swirling tide of restlessness.
Now is the time you need her most.
Do not let go of her hand.
The path is straight and narrow.
Nothing will make sense to you;
it's a vast universe of absurdity;
but hold her fast;
hold her steady;
she makes no demands.
Listen to her silence.
An infinite valley of tenderness,
the peaks of ecstasy,
the visions will come and go.
But do not let her go.
She will take you into a trance,
deeper and deeper, quieter still.
Shiva will dance before your eyes
and the rhythm of the dance
will reach a crescendo
Do not look back;
she is right there behind you
Now she is with you on this journey to the light.
She has taken you to the final call.
The Master calls;
in a moment the spirit breaks the bounds.
There is nothing but an infinite sea of the white light
and infinite silence, infinite peace.
And yes, you will return like a rain falling
from the thousand petals of a lotus cloud.
- Sushama Karnik I think we both tap the sources of the energy of the subconscious mind. We start without the full realization of the potential of the language, the expression, of that energy. It is only when that energy completes its mission and stops of its own accord do we see the form it has taken. Thank you Tighe O'Donoghue Ross for the insightful comment as always.
- +Tighe O'Donoghue/Ross This painting is the most poetic revelation of the ancient symbol of the feminine energy in the occult science known as Kundalini. The occult symbols have an archetypal existence, and artists, with their intuitive awareness of the universal archetypes, are the best illustrators of the occult symbols, though they may not be aware at the time of creation, of the connection between their work and its universal significance.
REPLY Jun 18, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik it is very interesting the way that imagery enters my head....these exercises began with no preconceived notions about meaning or subject...I find an interesting model, recreate the pose a bit...then add the ingredients as they come to me....your deep understanding of the kundalini did not even occur to me at first...then I saw that I had unconsciously made the snake as a disembodied spine....The Id....the archeo/cortex....all the significances which you name....then emerged.
REPLY Jun 18, 2017 - +Tighe O'Donoghue/Ross This is the living example of how the art, archetypes, and the ancient wisdom emerge in consonance in the artistic creations of the modern times. Perhaps the artists of the renaissance and and the medieval times made a conscious use of them, but in the modern times the links exist in the subconscious, and yet they surface in some way or the other.
REPLY Jun 18, 2017
Ca o cascad este poezia ta... Excelent, Sushama! 👏👏👏