Friday 26 July 2019

When the evening sun shines red on the wall
the tropical summer calls.
and I see you leaning against the railing in gloom,
the windows and doors unbolted, thrown wide open.

The tropical summer calls.
trying to recall the last sung call of the tune.
With the taste of tamarind on my tongue
and the breath of salty sea in the lung
I rush to the shade of the austere home
where all the children still roam
with kites and balloons in the silvery sand
With the sun going down they rush back home
 from the sea where they saw the end of a day
where the last summer halted. With dust gathered on the soles of the shoes,
sand biting into the skin, shoe laces loose,
untidy, they come back and mess up the room, .

The walls still catch the reddening sun,
the days are forever, and are still on the run
as we make peace with time.

(c) Sushama Karnik

The image was shared by Hector Merced on G+

1 comment:

  1. Da, văd bine toate aceste lucruri descrise de tine...
    Și această luptă cu timpul și eforturile pe care le facem pentru a face pace cu el...
    Îmbrățișează marea și din partea mea și am să simt din zborul pescărușilor această prezență a ființei tale...
