There is a reason
why we often come to the sea
to feel the breeze,
to gather the feelings that have no cause,
the feelings that have been there, for no reason.
We gather them suddenly one fine morning,
put them in a bottle without a name
to let them float out there with the tide,
a nameless child
out to create its own life.
By Sushama Karnik
Oct 21, 2017
why we often come to the sea
to feel the breeze,
to gather the feelings that have no cause,
the feelings that have been there, for no reason.
We gather them suddenly one fine morning,
put them in a bottle without a name
to let them float out there with the tide,
a nameless child
out to create its own life.
By Sushama Karnik
Oct 21, 2017

- Oct 21, 2017
- Frumos, profund și emoționant!💘
O seară liniștită îți doresc, poeta mea favorită!
Inspirație maximă!!📝📝👍👍
🌿🌹🌹🌹🌿☕🍵🍰🍩🍮🍫🍉🍁🎶🙅😊👋REPLY Oct 21, 2017 - This photographer is from Sweden. His posts are few and far between; hardly one or two in a month. I had an interesting conversation with him below this post, on his page. +tony langmach, and +Sem Xtz2017
REPLY Oct 21, 2017
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