Sunday, 22 September 2019

Birds of the air and waters
Mar 4, 2018
In a deep blue sleep
she dreamed of a bird
in need of a flight
to the freedom
of the space that is obtained
only at heights.
She closed her eyes
in the deep blue sleep
to capture the vision of the bird in flight.
The bird in flight shuddered;
it wasn't a shadow seen on the wall
of someone dreaming in the cave of sleep.
It was beating its wings on the walls of someone's sleep.
And someone in sleep needed the dream
to know what it is to feel the need for the wings.
Who was the captor, who the captive?
Who was dreaming; who was beating the walls with the wings?
Sushama Karnik (c)
Thanks for the image @Milan Lakić

Frédéric-Pierre Tschaggeny - Young woman with parrot (1872)


  1. Ia aripile mele și zboară mai departe prin universul poeziei...
    Sunt o pasăre de noapte, aproape invizibilă...

    1. Nightbird, almost visible, nurture your vision of the stars of night. The day, harsh, dazzling, hides the moon and the stars. Give the day the time it needs and keep the rest for the night.
