Here, the rains!
Fly with the umbrella;
the rain is falling on asphalt grey.
Chase the rain, fly.
The sky is falling,
the winds are rocking,
knocking against the window panes.
Fly, fly, and take the blows.
Hear the rains
in the whistle of the trains
running wild on the tracks of watery trails.
Fly, fly and ride
above the cracks in the sky.
The asphalt roads are carrying the rains
down the drains,
down the alleys;
down the slopes of the lanes.
The wind is swelling under the wings;
the umbrella balloons and chases the rings
of clouds on their darkened horse;
Fly, fly with the balloon, reach the sky.
Shivering, the crows hide in the leaves.
The sun never lived and the sky never felt the waves
ere the rains struck hard on the asphalt grey.
Fly, fly dear umbrella,
when the sun goes hiding, and the clouds start to run
in fear of the rain,
you know the way
to the heart of the song of rain.
Sushama Karnik
Fly with the umbrella;
the rain is falling on asphalt grey.
Chase the rain, fly.
The sky is falling,
the winds are rocking,
knocking against the window panes.
Fly, fly, and take the blows.
Hear the rains
in the whistle of the trains
running wild on the tracks of watery trails.
Fly, fly and ride
above the cracks in the sky.
The asphalt roads are carrying the rains
down the drains,
down the alleys;
down the slopes of the lanes.
The wind is swelling under the wings;
the umbrella balloons and chases the rings
of clouds on their darkened horse;
Fly, fly with the balloon, reach the sky.
Shivering, the crows hide in the leaves.
The sun never lived and the sky never felt the waves
ere the rains struck hard on the asphalt grey.
Fly, fly dear umbrella,
when the sun goes hiding, and the clouds start to run
in fear of the rain,
you know the way
to the heart of the song of rain.
Sushama Karnik
Alexandru Andries - Am doua umbrele
- "Am doua umbrele
Fac ce vreau cu ele;
In orice situatie,
Imi dau satisfactie;
Daca uit o umbrela,
Tot mai am o umbrela,
Care,daca ploua-i ca noua.
Daca fata-i frumoasa
Las umbrela acasa la ea
Si a doua zi,chiar daca nu-i nimeni,
Tot gasesc ceva:umbrela mea.
Tin acasa o umbrela,
La servici o umbrela
Daca incepe ploaia-i tot aia.
Umbrela de acasa
E cea mai frumoasa,
Umbrela cealalta e sparta.
Cand am umbrela la mine
De obicei nu ploua deloc
Si de aia se tot intampla
Ca uit umbrela
Din loc in loc..."
Alexandru Andries
Multumesc foarte frumos,Sushama,respect!REPLY Aug 27, 2017 - +pasajul de noapte Thank you so much for posting the song. I liked it. While listening to the song on You Tube, I was responding to the sounds, the tones, and the rhythm. It reminded me of my experience of walking in the rain when the umbrella behaves as if it has a mind of her own. The words of the Romanian song enhance the beauty of its music, Thanks a lot~ :-))Aug 27
Superbă poezie!