The bells are chiming
on the distant river
I changed my name;
I changed the face;
and I threw my whole being in the river.
Now I am here and there and everywhere;
Call me now by whatever name;
I will still call back
even if I do not know your name.
and the happiness comes floating on the wings
of thousands of butterflies making rings,
whirling and rising and holding little lamps of flickering lights.
on the distant river
I changed my name;
I changed the face;
and I threw my whole being in the river.
Now I am here and there and everywhere;
Call me now by whatever name;
I will still call back
even if I do not know your name.
and the happiness comes floating on the wings
of thousands of butterflies making rings,
whirling and rising and holding little lamps of flickering lights.
Hide 66 comments
- May 7, 2017
- Thanks to my precious friend. This is the first ever comment I received on this post +Ben Guiry
REPLY May 9, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik And that Sushama is a sadness in itself, it deserves so much more for it is quite beautiful, thank you.
REPLY May 9, 2017 - I call you a precious friend because I have been reading your poems +Ben Guiry, I like the flavors of your land in them
REPLY May 9, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik I have a love for the old places I spent my childhood in the mountains, it's in my blood, my words are coated in fondness for its places and people, I'm glad it shines through on occasion Sushama as it does in yours also.
REPLY May 9, 2017 - Memories glad or sad, are a world of nostalgia, protected by fairies! Let us celebrate nostalgia, the land, the people, and the flavors we have loved.
+Ben Guiry It is late night here. So, good night till the morrow.REPLY May 9, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik Goodnight Sushama, may your dreams be happy, whether of the future or the past.
REPLY May 9, 2017 - May 9, 2017
- Latif Z+2C'est mon joli et merveilleux univers de mots et de sentiments !
J'aime bien y être pour l'éternité !
Fais de très beaux rêves ma chère amie.
SalamREPLY May 12, 2017 - May 13, 2017
- May 14, 2017
- May 14, 2017
- May 18, 2017
- You are still among my followers. I shall check again. +Karin Lisa Atkinson A bright new morning to you.
REPLY May 18, 2017 - May 18, 2017
- I checked the list. You are in the list of friends. +Karin Lisa Atkinson Have a great day,
REPLY May 18, 2017 - where are you sounds of foot steps...are you sink in an eternal meditation ...
you honourable teacher..
anxoous to hear your wordREPLY May 21, 2017 - +MAHEEDHARAN AS Good morning!
" I am here and there and everywhere;
Call me now by whatever name;
I will still call back."REPLY May 22, 2017 - So do you believe in time I don't believe in time I get older but never change the clock would make humanity invisible and ourselves obstacles of life
REPLY Jun 10, 2017 - Jul 10, 2017
- +Sushama Karnik ...Your voice is distinguished by the clarity of your vision.
REPLY Jul 30, 2017 - Jul 30, 2017
- Aug 25, 2017
- +roxanne lindsay Thank you for the rose :-) And sorry for the delay in responding
REPLY Sep 1, 2017 - Sep 1, 2017
- Sep 4, 2017
- I was wondering where you are! An auspicious day to reappear on
+MAHEEDHARAN AS Happy Onam greetings from meREPLY Sep 4, 2017 - Sep 23, 2017
- +Sushama Karnik the ephemeral of the great passage is contained in the grand are your words and reflections !
REPLY Sep 25, 2017 - It is 3.45 p.m. here, a bright sunshine is pouring on my desk and I paused to look out of the window, to think of a reply; but that's all! If I force myself to find words I may find something inadequate. So watching the sunshine is the best reply. :-)
REPLY Sep 25, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik always the Albedo of the moon...carries the most magical illumination...AAA
REPLY Oct 19, 2017 - Thank you +Tighe O'Donoghue/Ross You really are the master of The Language of the Myths which I have been striving to know all these years.
REPLY Sep 25, 2017 - Oct 18, 2017
- +TAO OF JONATHON I visited your page a few minutes back, and I am glad to say that I liked what I read.
REPLY Oct 18, 2017 - Namaste..............
And I, your insights on life. I have a longing to see/know India before my
time is through. Maybe 6 months or a year IN INDIA:-)REPLY Oct 19, 2017 - May you live long and long enough to see your wish fulfilled +TAO OF JONATHON
REPLY Oct 19, 2017 - Oct 19, 2017
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- You have a certain way with words..I love reading them...I m glad I stumbled upon you!
REPLY 40w - +santosh pandey Nice to read your words the early thing in the morning. This stream is for rolling and stumbling, gently, hilariously, weirdly sometimes. Liked your page and your friends.
REPLY 40w - +Sushama Karnik
Oh, So wonderful ,thanks..
~ thousands of butterflies making rings,
whirling and rising and holding little lamps of flickering lights.~
Truly well-written Sushama...REPLY 40w - +tony langmach I wonder how you veered away from the mainstream to land here :-) Glad that you noticed this post! :-))
REPLY 40w - +Sushama Karnik
Oh, because of the truly amazing poetry You Always share my friend..;`))
So welcome..REPLY 40w - 40w
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- +Evert Niggendijker Thanks for the greetings from Nederland, and I must say I am really having a good Sunday this day. Wish you a good holiday too.
REPLY 38w - "..........................................................
......... happiness comes floating on the wings
of thousands of butterflies making rings,
whirling and rising and holding little lamps of flickering lights."
So nice lines!REPLY 38w - 38w
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- +Sushama Karnik wow. I did not know you were a poet. Nice poem here. I shared it with my creative g+ community called Just Wisdom.
I will look forward to reading more of your work.REPLY 25w - 21w
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- Jan S+1
Dear Sushama,
Your poetry is a wonderful, fascinating journey, a journey into the universe and deep into the heart and soul.
Every thing, every detail in your poems has its own name. Everything can be touched and moved. Your world is not an external illustration, it has roots in the soul, in love ...
When I read your poems, I discover this world from scratch. I recognize his wonderful lights and darkness.
I return to your poems as if to music. I listen to the same songs many times. I rejoice with them, happy that there are souls like yours. And again I will go back to see with your eyes, heart, soul, touch and also the dream and the ups and downs of the imagination. Your words are also a prayer. They are proof of how beautiful a man, a woman can be ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart ...REPLY 7w - +Jan S Whenever you write, be it poetry or prose, I stop at a certain word or a phrase which arrests me for its simplicity and grace. Although this entire comment has its own beauty, what touched me most were these words: "When I read your poems, I discover this world from scratch. I recognize its wonderful lights and darkness."
I am truly grateful to you for entering this world with empathy and insight.
I agree with you when you say, " Your words are also a prayer.".
Yes, truly, prayer is what my poetry is at heart. I feel humble and glad that you went so deeply into it.
I wish you great moments of inspiration and fulfillment.
REPLY 7w - 3w
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- merci Sushama .
good evening .
roland .
ps : je me suis permis de suivre
votre page .REPLY 3w - +Roland damien Thank you, good morning, and a happy new year to you and your family :-)
REPLY 2w - 2w

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