Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Emma's Story Part2. Chapter3

 The next day, after quickly transacting the business at the bank I looked at the watch. It was rather early to expect Emma and Charles as yet. But not to leave it to chance I decided to wait at the coffee shop. The sky was bright; it wasn't likely to rain. I took a seat close to the entrance . I ordered stuff that would keep me engaged at least for the next half an hour. 

I was looking attentively at the road outside until the first batch of school children appeared on the scene.. Their laughter drifted towards me on the breeze but Emma and Charles weren't among them. The sky that was bright some time ago was now cloudy and gray. As the time passed slowly I was getting restless with anxiety. I was feeling a bit awkward also sitting alone and having no idea as to how long I would be able to stay there idling away perhaps hours at a stretch. And I could not bury my head in a book pretending t read because My guests might pass that way and we would both miss each other. Everything seemed to be in danger of going wrong, the weather, the time, the day and my unreasonable longing to see them as if my life depended on that meeting. A chance acquaintance that happened to take place in some vacant hours, and if someone were to foresee the effect so deep I would not have given credence to it. 

Another group of children was coming and the augury was made by their playful kidding and laughter. I eagerly scanned their faces but could find Emma and Charles. I began to feel lost on the high sea now with nothing to see on the horizon. Where was I going to look for them except for this road and this coffee shop as my radar. Everything was perhaps to end as hastily and abruptly as it had begun. The flow of children walking to their school had stopped by now. I looked at the watch. I had spent half an hour already. It was not justifiable to prolong my presence at the coffee-shop beyond the next ten minutes.And if at all I chanced to meet them as I started walking back home they would be found in a tearing hurry to reach school. And did I wait here for them just to have a glimpse of them ? Honestly not. 

I decided to end the waiting and looked up finally giving up my long and steady vigilant watch over the road that was to bring Emma and Charles within my sight. As I stood up feeling into my pocket for the wallet I saw the lady at the shop counter watching me with curious eyes. It seemed she had noted my two earlier meetings with Emma and Charles earlier. and perhaps had guessed that I was waiting for them.

To be continued

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