Thread by thread the darkness
comes unstuck.
The sky breathes.
The depths and the hearts of valleys are brimming over
with the fullness of the morning and the throbbing silence of love.
Light is bathing them all-the valleys and plains, the hills and dales.
The sleepy alleys and the paths in the woods are all awakened ;
In one sweep the hand of the dawn has caressed and kissed them all
It's the Midas touch they yearned for.
A beauty , liberated, flows through all, and changes ev'rything that comes in its way.
The day arrives like any other day
and it's not going to stay;
That's reason enough to pause on the way
to grasp this eternity in the tremulous hands and before it slips away
hold it but for a moment, and then let it go,
though I know it's not to come back to me again.

Sushama Karnik
Image from
comes unstuck.
The sky breathes.
The depths and the hearts of valleys are brimming over
with the fullness of the morning and the throbbing silence of love.
Light is bathing them all-the valleys and plains, the hills and dales.
The sleepy alleys and the paths in the woods are all awakened ;
In one sweep the hand of the dawn has caressed and kissed them all
It's the Midas touch they yearned for.
A beauty , liberated, flows through all, and changes ev'rything that comes in its way.
The day arrives like any other day
and it's not going to stay;
That's reason enough to pause on the way
to grasp this eternity in the tremulous hands and before it slips away
hold it but for a moment, and then let it go,
though I know it's not to come back to me again.

Sushama Karnik
Image from
Beautiful Nature
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