Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Gentle Breeze

A gentle breeze, may you flow over all the beings
in life as well as in the moment of passing.
Gentle breeze, may you have no name, may you have no sign;
but yet you may do what you have been doing
since the time of eternity.
May you heal , may you seal the sorrows which never cease.
Gentle breeze may you speak and lead by the scent
invisible to all the living beings,
yet reminiscent of what they have seen and felt,
thought and lived in the moments of their personal bliss.
Gentle breeze may you breathe as long as we all breathe;
leave no being alone, leave no soul behind.
Gentle breeze, never cease to speak
when despair closes the space around
and folds in its embrace the fire within.
Gentle breeze I know in my littleness
all the infinite passion you hold
for this blindly groping humanity.
Yet I pray and sometimes doubt
whether you hear my words
or only hear a melody from a remote place.
Gentle breeze, be there for me and for all.
Your freedom be praised.


  1. Atât de emoționant poem... Atât de dulce... Atât de frumos...
    Complimente, Sushama!
