And there where I camped
I rested tired in every limb,
could not even fall asleep.
Something I heard coming from within.
With a great persistence, it said, "You are going to die"
Strangely, I welcomed the thought,
as if a mother was calling me
and I was eager to fall in her lap.
"I am ready," I said and sat still
letting at last
the voice to take possession of me,
"You are going to ascend; hold my hand all the while,
and you'll have nothing to fear", said the voice.
In that calm stillness, accompanied,
I was rising,
each gradation filled with a surprise,
a wondrous journey all along,
a slow pleasure
of a languorous kind,
through ranges, divides,
planes, plateaus and peaks
and I wished it would never have an end.
Suddenly the momentum increased;
I doubted if I could hold on to the voice,
and before I knew who, what or where I was,
I lost,
I lost my sense of identity.
A terror gripped me,
as if a meteor, I, was being drawn
into the orbit of a celestial body,
a certain fall if I could not hold
to the plank which was this body;
this body did not matter
so much as this mind
which I could not give up when forced to the end of my being.
Falling, or being pushed upward?
Now there was no difference.
Falling, or rising, but irrevocably,
and the indescribable fear of emptiness, the void,
and being blown out like a candle against the gush of the wind.
And in a mighty moment as if in a defeat,
a surrender, something happened...
An ocean of light,
and I was the light;
to be nothing but light and yet not know!
Who was there to know?
The light, an ocean without a shore,
a waveless expanse,
there was no more I, no more EYE
which could open and say, " I saw"
Yet something of the consciousness, the last vestige of awareness
was storing the image on a blank screen.
Gradually, the world of the senses came back.
I was in the familiar landscape once again.
And it rained like honey,
the streams ran down the slopes of the mountain all over me
and I drank in the spirit,
the raining grace,
the dew of the dawn when everything arose
in full view
out of the Void once again.