Friday, 18 January 2019

Red birds, come, touch my wings;
come in pairs, come in herds,
like clouds in the sky that has turned suddenly blue;
come in streams like water springs,
come and touch my shoulders where there is still a cavity for wings.
Redbirds, come and touch my fingers; feel them where they have gone stiff;
I think and feel with fingers, not with a heart or a brain.
Loosen the grip on the knuckles and sinews;
set them free. Redbirds I do not mind
even if that takes some bleeding of the veins
to help the act of languaging discover wings.
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  1. Red birds, come, touch my wings--
    Oh,They do,always..`) Thanks & take care my friend..;`)

  2. Thanks Michael Rochecouste, always welcome.
