Tuesday, 15 January 2019

How often we sat after the morning tea,
but never after dinner,
to talk about the things that mattered:
some mattered to me, some to you,
but rarely did we talk about the mutual needs.

Often I was seized by the need
to talk about the dreams and the messages
that cascaded over me.
Most people were interested to find out more
but I suspected that you always knew what I knew
and you knew always something more,
and those, I was afraid, you would not share.

The difference between you and me
was that I would not take anything
unless it was delivered by a Master Poet,
and for you it had to come from the Master Spirit,
sharp like the blade of the knife.
I thought of you as a man in a perpetual hurry.
No doubt about that;
you were in a hurry, but you never did anything in a haste.

Energy; life is energy, and you did not want to see it wasted;
that was the cause of the hurry. And you had no fear of death.
Life is endless; we never die.
That was what you wanted me to know
and was frustrated because I would not see.
You went unburdened on your way
to further seek the source of knowledge,
that deep seat within the soul
where ideas are created and they never die.
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