Sunday, 31 March 2019

The Agony of the Canvas

The Agony of the Canvas

Knocking against the potentialities of the canvas,
unstained, neutral in immensity,
the palette
with its violence of colours,
held in abeyance,
waits for the moment
for the canvas to speak.
The vibrant moments, flowing
in the sacrifice of identity
eager to attain the fixity of form,
have slipped.
The purity, unassailable,
a scourge for the artist
who loves
and knows what violence
can do to love--
unborn, restless,
waiting in the moments of agonizing silence.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

I followed a beam of light
Steps? there were no steps.
Infinitely light
is the heart of the night
when she cradles the moon in her lap.
I let me fall
along the astute path
of the wisdom of the beam of light
And I landed
in teak-wood antique room
where the beam caressed
an abstract painting on the wooden wall.
As I looked closely, I found,
it wasn't a wall, and that was no painting hung by the screw.
It was a door, securely bolted from the inside of the room.
And That magical night taught me a lesson.
If you see a beam of light,
do not search for its source.
Just follow even it be
the light you see with the eye of the mind.
It will lead you inside a bolted room
which otherwise would not open for you.

Thanks for the image: Bong Ferrer

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Slow down, slow,
like the traffic lights, dim,
slow down, like the single moon,
bewildered among the clouds.
Slow down , like the escalator running
at the regulated speed despite the pressure
and stress of the climbers
in a hurry not knowing where to reach.
The city lights glimmer like thousands of eyes, dazzled and seeing nothing.
Slow down to reflect on the single page
inscribed with the image of a maple leaf.
Slow down for the sparkling wine
red and deep. The last drop waiting
for you to touch the brim.
At the end of the day,slow down
and hold yourself lightly
under the drizzle of the spray of shower
and wash your blues away

Sushama Karnik
June 12, 2018

Image Courtesy +Tanya Dimitrova
Thank you, Tanya


The night moves a little to the east.
The night sounds cease
one by one.
The sun with a golden brush
comes to clean the palette of sounds.
Love from whatever source,
when it comes, the knots at the heart come undone.

A gold coin clanging at the heart of the night,
is love remembered when the night sounds cease;
a tiny imprint left on the soul.
Your hands can feel the way
to reach me with their living touch, extended
trembling into the restless flame of day;
love remembered, a hieroglyph in a sacred cave.

Sushama Karnik
Aug20, 2017

Thanks to +Milan Lakić for the image
Oil painting by Didier Lourenço (2013)

This giant obelisk, Time,
is my heart, forever mine,
and yet a stranger.
Like the rising sun
my heart rises
each morning,
a new horizon, to conquer again
and to relinquish the throne by night.
Standing in the pond in the shadows,
Time, my heart, counts the pulse.
And this heart, my Beloved Time,
spreads like a giant lotus leaf, forever mine, but a stranger still.

Sushama Karnik
Aug 28, 2017

Thanks for the image +Souheil Ghammachi
This time, like all times, is a very good one,
if we but know what to do with it."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, 18 March 2019

A temporal silence pervades
there, where once we dwelt together.
It was a place made of odd stuff of dreams, old collectibles,
drawn from across the world.
A brass jar once polished to a glaze of gold,
crystals wrought to healing shapes,
paint brushes stacked in old coffee mugs,
books which opened into words of an alien kind...

A writing desk, a jar filled with water,
holding a single leaf on a single stem,
some book opened randomly, left half-read,
with a bookmark that has flown away.
There is a coffeemaker, long unused.
And those books which overflowed the shelves,
they did not invade the rooms in such overwhelming numbers before;
not before I began to earn and my pockets felt the warmth of money!

Those were the times when there was
a lone bookstore around the corner,
and few visitors once in a while.
Books were the objects to be handled with a feel
for the aroma of adhesive and the brand new ink.
On the wall was hung a clumsily made portrait I drew
of a poet with dreamy eyes and a flowing white beard,
and in its glass frame could be seen
the reflection of every passerby who passed along the road below the balcony.

And how could I forget the black kitten who stood guard every hour,
as that was the mission entrusted to her by her Animal God.
That was a world within a world,
a brass jar polished to a glaze of gold!

May 15, 2017

photo: урок ботаники
photographer: figasmakom

Image result for photo: урок ботаники photographer: figasmakom

heaven finds its way
through your veins and nerves to your fingertips.....
where She talks to the paper
below your pen......
you are that good. :-)
Kevin Walsh
Lol! Gone are those days when fingers held a pen and talked to the paper! Now I just can't think and write unless all my fingers cooperate and dance on the keyboard of the laptop. Glad that you liked this post, poet! +Kevin Walsh
never so blind
we can't see.....
what is write in front of me
never so blind
that we can't see.....
what is write in front of me.
Kevin Walsh
to Sushama Karnik

Sushama Karnik The ethereal connections they need antennas. And beautiful thoughts, poems and songs. I wish you all the best !This is not my favorite !!!!!! I hope you like it.
Gyorgy Fulop to Sushama Karnik

photo: урок ботаники
photographer: figasmakom

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