Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Slow down, slow,
like the traffic lights, dim,
slow down, like the single moon,
bewildered among the clouds.
Slow down , like the escalator running
at the regulated speed despite the pressure
and stress of the climbers
in a hurry not knowing where to reach.
The city lights glimmer like thousands of eyes, dazzled and seeing nothing.
Slow down to reflect on the single page
inscribed with the image of a maple leaf.
Slow down for the sparkling wine
red and deep. The last drop waiting
for you to touch the brim.
At the end of the day,slow down
and hold yourself lightly
under the drizzle of the spray of shower
and wash your blues away

Sushama Karnik
June 12, 2018

Image Courtesy +Tanya Dimitrova
Thank you, Tanya


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