Monday, 2 August 2021

Emma's story. Part 2. Chapter 6.

 Just then Emma reached the table and before putting the tray down she peered over Charles's shoulder to look at our object of interest. I looked at her to read her expression. A thin smile flitted across her face. She put the tray down and settled in her chair facing me and Charles. 

She was trying to hide the pain over Charles's innocent and trustful involvement in me. For no fault of mine I feared there was a subtle resentment in that expression. After a brief moment of silence we were about to speak simultaneously and both stopped to give the other the chance. I expected her to speak about my date of departure, the impending doomsday as it were. But Emma 's astute mind decided elude the obvious. Skipping the expected she said, " How are you placed tomorrow morning? Tomorrow is Sunday. Charles and I would like to spend it with you if your time permits!" 

I said, "I have absolutely no problem. But will your aunt permit you to go out with a stranger that I am?" 

Emma said without hesitation, " I'll manage." and with that she looked at Charles. They both seemed to be like a duo who were used to working in collusion over finding a route in such situations.  

The next morning we were three of us at the Jericho beach facing the Pacific. The sky was changing the moods fast. I hoped it would not rain like the day on our first meeting. But soon the clouds dispersed and the sunshine was clear and falling straight and candid over the sea.

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